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Revision of New Mumble Server is up and Running 1.2.2 from Sun, 14/11/2010 - 14:57

Robag's picture

umm here we go

here is the new mumble server address and port

please give it a go.

Kppa and Matt have the access token for the Match channel



Fuzz's picture


Nice work!!

Robag's picture


did you see the label on the AFK channel i made it for you


Sha8doW's picture

I likie alot!

Just need to make sure we update the details in the /Chat section on the site & put some markers on the old mumble channel updating that we’ve moved. -> so our random friends (who we know deep down really want to join IPX, but just dont want to admit it to themselves) can find us easily… (so we can serve them an application form!)

good work on this Ro. Here is hope that it will give us clarity and quality over mumble in those heavy peak usage times. (such as during games/pracs & those funny full server nights!)

so thankyou Mr Robag for your hard work, effort and ongoing support to IPX especially when it comes to things such as this server!

^- everyone should be thanking this man!

amazing job

Robag, you are the man. how good was last night, so clear in match. Thank you

It wasnt Limpet

as captain that got us the win last night. It was Robag’s mumble server. :P

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