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Revision of Duke Nukem First Access Club KEY from Sun, 28/11/2010 - 15:16

n0mad's picture

If U purchased Borderlands via Steam Bef0re Oct0ber 2010 U will have a free KEY t0 access the Duke Nukem First Access Club
T0 view this key, right-click 0n Borderlands in y0ur Library and select “View game CD Key”
G0 t0 to input your code………

Alternatively U can buy the Borderlands Game 0f the Year Editi0n 0n Steam f0r y0ur free KEY……

I did p0st this a few m0nths ag0 but a few have f0rg0tten they already have a free KEY. …….




i had to buy it not through steam :S

Fuzz's picture


the amount of times I’ve almost got myself in trouble at work by loading the front page of the site is ridiculous… Awesome pic though – how do I get rid of the black bars? I put it in paint and used the eraser but it didn’t work

n0mad's picture


Hehehehe actual the blackbars can 0nly be rem0ved if y0ur ask Shad what club it is and U guess the right answer

Anyway we c0ntinue 2 wait 4 this……


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