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Revision of World Of Padman V1.5 Released from Thu, 30/12/2010 - 02:08

n0mad's picture

You had to wait a long time, far too long already. But now the time has come to release WoP version 1.5 for Windows and Linux. The Mac-Users have to wait a little bit longer unfortunately, but stay tuned, we haven’t forgotten you! We had planned to publish WoP 1.5 within this year and had to work on it until the very last second. We didn’t even have the time to advertise our new version the same way we usually do with a new release. This of course we are going to rectify in the very near future, so that the servers will fill up soon.
But those of you who are here to enjoy the new version, be warned that you get presented a completely new WoP. Countless things have been revised and partly modified. There is a new game type, new maps, new player models, a new weapon, new powerups and much more. You might be in for some surprises. We would like to thank all of you for your loyalty over the last few years. We hope that you like the new WoP and that the long wait has paid off a little. We would also like to thank Eileen Heath, who stepped in at the last second to record the last missing sound files.That’s all we want to say for now. Grab the new version and have fun with it. Your WoP team!

Well after much anticipati0n (I check the WOP site Daily) WOP 1.5 has finally been released, yaaaaaaaaaaaa
World Of Padman still remains FREE and I w0uld highly rec0mmend it.
s0me may say that I live f0r Padman and actually they w0uld be right, this game is an extensi0n 0f my existence and with0ut it I w0uld n0t be the happy n0mad that I am…
d0wnl0ad and enj0y the Padman Experience and best 0f all it’s FREE…..

A BIG Thanky0u t0 all the WoP Team f0r there Dedicati0n and C0mmitment t0 what started 0ut as a Quake MOD but turned int0 s0 much m0re…..

Download the Windows Installer
File Size: 900MB

o Engine: ogm video file support
o Music: Some new tracks to dieselkopf albums
o Music: PadKitchen Track to Dieselkopf Rock album
o Music: Painted Death by Neurological
o Textures: Several spelling mistakes on textures
o Gametypes: Wallhack symbols for BB-boxes
o VoIP: Voice chat support and options in settings and ingame menus
o XTRAS: Mapping tool support files for Radiant
o Powerups: Boomies holdable added for CTL and BB game modes
o Powerups: Bambam holdable added for CTL game mode
o Weapons: Injector with a new zoom effect added to all game modes using InstaPad
o Mapobjects: Animated raven model
o Mapobjects: A couple of new static mapobjects
o Textures: New PadBox skyboxes for platform maps
o Models: Support for bright skins
o Models: Existing model skin overhauled and tweaked
o Models: New head models for Padman character model
o Models: BeachPad player model
o Models: PadPunk player model
o Models: PadKing player model
o Models: PadCho player model
o Models: PaddyBell player model
o Gametypes: InstaPad (instagib) option added to all game modes
o Textures: SyC new logos added
o Models: BB new models of balloon boxes added
o Gametypes: BB wallhack items for players and boxes added
o Gametypes: CTL game mode added
o Maps: Cyben’s CybJourney CTL
o Maps: MopAn’s Jail BigBalloon version
o Maps: Kai’s FridgeWars CTL
o Maps: Harm’s Westernset CTL
o Maps: ENTE’s PadShop
o Maps: ENTE’s PadCrash
o Maps: ENTE’s PadBox CTL
o Maps: ENTE’s PadBase CTL
o Maps: ENTE’s PadCloister CTL
o Maps: ENTE’s PadAsia CTL
o Maps: Glowstar’s ColorStage CTL
o Menu: Ingame help screens with short explanations
o Menu: New option added antialiasing, anisotropy, resolutions to grafics menu
o Menu: New game play hints while the loading screen is shown
o HUD: New and additional cross hairs added
o HUD: New screen effect added after leaving liquids ingame
o Sounds: VoIP support added
o Sounds: New announcer sounds added (CTL)
o Sounds: Sounds for new player models added
o Bots: New bot code added, CTL support via waypoint file
o Bots: Bot for all new player models added
o Misc: Added func_door_rotating entity
o Boaster: Weapon dmg values
o Bots: Overhauled and spell checked bot chat protocol. thx to Padster
o Cover: Game box arts overhauled
o Manual: Several additions
o Menu: Bot icons sorted and selection changed
o Menu: Player icons and skins sorted
o Model: PiratePad with complete new animations
o Model: PiratePad scaled up
o Model: Padman model replaced
o Menu: Only available screen resolutions are shown in graphics menu, sorted by aspect ratio
o HUD: New team overlay layout
o Menu: Texture details set to maximum by default
o Menu: Max clients set to 12 and added to create menu
o Menu: Server browser overhaul
o Powerups: PadShield armor replaced by a new model
o Powerups: PadShards armor overhauled
o Powerups: Revival new effect icon
o Weapons: Faster weapon change after out of ammo status
o Weapons: Imperius ammo load reduced
o Weapons: Weapon effects and skins overhauled
o Weapons: Boaster damage reduced
o LPS: new head icons, player with most lifes left gets highlighted with a red icon
o Textures: Round about 2000 textures reworked and replaced
o Textures: Shader entries cleaned
o Maps: All old maps overhauled
o Menu: Start menu Sigle and Multi replaced by Create and Join
o Menu: All levelshots overhauled and resized
o Menu: Menu background pictures overhauled
o Menu: Bot menu, only default bots selectable, additional selection of default/red/blue in list
o Menu: Game options menu expanded
o Menu: New game play hints while the loading screen is shown
o Menu: Scoreboard overhauled
o Sounds: Folder structure of sound files rearranged, cleaned
o Bots: Bot difficulty levels lowered
o Misc: Net code protocol version number
o Misc: Woparena and wopbot changed back to arena and bot to avoid issues with sv_allowDownload and sv_dlURL
o Misc: Log file content overhauled and extended
o Misc: Fixed an issue with names of demo files under Linux
o Misc: Team spawn entities can be used for all team modes now
o Misc: WoP logo overhauled
o Mapping tools: Wrong home path for linux os
o Model: 3d person view head camera issue
o PadCrash_dm17: Hurt brush issue
o Menu: Animation abort bug in player menu
o Menu: Sorting skins issue in player menu
o Sounds: Solved a crash issue with playing mp3 while pressing N
o Engine: Shoot while chatting “bug” fixed
o Misc: Server cfg files
o Credits: Pages updated
o Mapping Tools: shaderlist.txt
o SDL: Pumped to version 1.2.14
o Video: Intro movie overhauled
o ioq3 code base

w00ps alm0st f0rg0t, see bel0w f0r abit 0f WOP Hist0ry hehehehehehhehee

Cya’s All in the new YEAR playing WOP 1.5……

Padman Padman Padman


Fuzz's picture

Left 4 Pad looks awesome

Damn, I can’t wait. Is it 2011 yet? Let’s play dammit!

Fuzz's picture

Submitted to Internode

as a suggested file to be mirrored there.

ltmon's picture

Internode mirror

The unified ZIP (not the installer though) is already mirrored on Internode via their Sourceforge mirror.

Still friggen slow for me to get it though: might be my crapped up connection however.

More importantly: do we have a server to try this out on? Is the BigPond server going to upgrade? We need this sorted asap so we can have WOPIT 2011!

n0mad's picture

GA Request

Please p0st if U can IPX….

Padman Padman Padman

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