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Revision of Dont know how to post a pic of it up so Yea from Fri, 11/02/2011 - 15:34


Fuzz's picture


just put exclamation marks around both sides of it to embed


TY Fuzz


Sha8doW's picture


Having 2 boys about that age… I find that So funny!

Killer where do you get that stats bar dealie???
I want to post mine for lols

Got It From

Got It From type your name and then when it finds you and loads all your stats just click Stats graphics
then find the 1 you want and Bam….

there are 100000 of them



this one is even better

Fark Hard Core Dude Matt


This Ones For Robag

Sorry There Are Just So Many I Love :)

Sha8doW's picture

I love

That girls necklace… And surrounds!

n0mad's picture


Please tell me U d0n’t l00k like her in real life Killer ?


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