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Revision of GA 8v8 Rush Season 2 from Sun, 13/02/2011 - 15:26

Morning Lads

Coming up shortly will be season 2 of the 8v8 Ladder. Those who would be keen on playing please show on the table so we can get an idea on numbers. Would be great to see some of the new fellas getting into it.

Team IPX Yes/No Comment
Bloodstorm - -
Broadband Bandit - -
Chipper - -
Cheesy - -
Deadite - -
Fuzz No -
HarassmentPanda - -
Hashy - -
Kerrien Y raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawr
Killer - -
Kippa - -
Limpet - -
Loganator Yes This is the year of maximum ownage
Ltmon - -
Mattatuide - -
Microman No This game makes me angry
Milzy Yepo What kerrien said
n0mad - -
Proton Rifle - -
Robag Y one more season of bad rego rage lolzy
Sc0ut - -
Sha8doW Y between family, travel for work and being terrible at this game I’ll play as much a I can and as much as you want me! I’m more interested in the Vietnam games tho!
Silentshadow - -
Spudinator Yes And Yes !!
StepUp Y as often as I can
Willow - -
WickFi5h - -


hmm can't edit?

but yeah will play as often as possible so Y for me

Tripsicle98's picture

Yeah Same step up cant edit either

But neither the less i would love to play

n0mad's picture

Table Fixed

Ok guys give it a try n0w t0 edit the Table ab0ve…..


Sha8doW's picture


@ at limpets comment in response to bloods comment!

Haha, I’ve been telling him for ages limpy, he don’t know what’s gunna hit him!

And it’s a BOY! (I’ve got two) they are animals


just spent the last hour trying to get my two to bed.
I think only a couple more grey hairs, thanks for coming.

Would never go back though.

Sha8doW's picture

I wanna know

what the parents did with the kids who sat there still, quiet, well dressed, eating their dinner in all of those tv shows i saw as a kid….

Microman's picture

Powered the down?

Perhaps they powered them down at night.

Tripsicle98's picture

When the season start


how long is a

piece of string?

Sha8doW's picture

@ micro

I think it was fear micro!
Something which the kids of today sorely miss!
I’ll tell u my theory some time!

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