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Revision of They are F**KEN taking over!! from Wed, 09/03/2011 - 11:28

Those dirty norwegians are making another push.

According to a UN report Norway is the Best country in the world to live in followed by Ausy and NZ.
The norwegians must have corrupted the UN.
Watch out next they will be after you!


Sha8doW's picture

List is

Bs, look at some of those country’s?
USA with it’s economic situation? You may as well say Greece!
And there are others I could mention!! Hows the safety factor in israel?

It begs just 1 question, what criteria was used to evaluate the country and who was paid tomake the selection!

Im supprised China didnt come out at number 1! I mean all those people living there, they must love it! It’s gotta be the best place on earth, otherwise they’d move!
Followed by India…


my point its the norwegians

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