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Revision of ETQW2 BETA Released from Fri, 01/04/2011 - 00:01

W0rld First Team IPX get there hands 0n a Beta 0f ETQW2

Hi Res0luti0n Versi0n

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars II will be developed by Throw Liquid Injury’s for Windows, Windows CE and Windows 3.1 using a modified version of Self Software’s Self Tech 69 engine following on the success of Borderlands style it will use the Ultra Mega MegaTexture rendering technology to make sum amazing night maps complete with candle lights. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars II (ET:QWII) is a funny-person shooter video game (FPS), and is the follow-up to Quake 69. However, it is set in sum fiction universe overrun by freddy kruegers, with a massive back-story shown at the start of the game running for a total of 45 minutes with no exit key and since the developers wants everyone to see it they have made it impossible to skip, with the addition of uncontrollable vehicles and aircraft (all controls have been removed) as well as no AI deployables, locked teams, biggest maos ever (all players will get lost at sum point) and the option of computer-controlled bots that can’t kill you even when standing beside you. Quake Wars II is not a commercial release rather than a free download to those willing to pay an exit fee.

Quake Wars II is a class-based, objective focused, team-oriented game. Teams are based on human (Girly Men in Camo) and alien (Freddy Stroggy) technology. While the teams are made up by players online and are generally 1 side will own untill there is no players left on the loosing team , both sides have completely different weapons and tools to complete objectives, meaning that 1 side will completely own the other. Unlike other team-based online games (such as call of faggitory), the gameplay is much more focused on forty or fifty main objectives at once, rather than spread all over the combat area. This allows for much more focused and intense combat situations, similar to the original Tetrix assault mode.

Each player class normally has new objectives show up during game play but we thought giving the player a radial menu with 35 objectives was not enough so you can choose from simple hang out the washing objectives too I’m AFK I’ll stand against a wall for an hour or two. The game also has the capability to group players into fireteams but since these can now be locked we thought random shuffling of fireteams every 30 seconds will give it a more poker roulette strategy. These fireteams are locked automatically upon joining the server and named with porno star names.

The game has pirate experience points (PXP) rewards system in place, which rewards every player some points depending on the pirate speech used in game. This accumulated PXP later leads to dis unlocks which may vary from loosing availability of equipment/weapons to abilities like slower movement or less accurate weapons. These rewards are due to all unlocks/equipment/weapons are available upon day one and are slowly taken away the further you progress. Sum players after a few weeks may only be left with a pirate patch and a rusty knife to kill you with so look out for the ultra noobs. Maps are only half completed and after objective 2 all players must work together on the map editor to build the next part of the map, each player is automatically given a task/tool on the map builder and many players will fight over the water tool or even the fire hydrant tool.

So after the BOD received there copy of the ETQW2 BETA we saw that the game was fully polished and there was not a single thing anyone could want to change and we wondered why this game had not been released yet, no Bugs, no Weapon imbalances, everything looked awsum……

n0mad’s First Play thru

I fired up my Beta c0py 0f ETQW2 and w0uld y0u believe it had 0ur TeamIPX Jersey’s t0 ch00se fr0m under the skin selecti0n s0 I suited up and my first spawn p0int was 0nt0p 0f a m0untain range in the dark with 0nly a h0g vehicle beside me with flames spurting 0ut 0f it’s truck pipes, but this was n0 0rdinary ETQW h0g this thing had seats 0n the 0utside f0r extra passengers & when I jumped in the thing it had n0 c0ntr0l’s at all, it just aut0 dr0ve 0ff the cliff and I was dead in 3 sec0unds flat, This game is awsum can’t wait t0d0 that 0nline…….

Shad’s First Play thru

“omg this game is epic, beats the pants off of the current generations shooters! and its got all those things which ETQW had over them to put back in! think current gen graphics, engines with goold old ETQW Massive maps, deployables, v-says, the feeling of intensity…. and a browser, friends list and front end that works! OMG! – seriously, this is on par with Porn!”

Fuzz’s First Play thru

I just keep spawning near that hog and keep dying off the cliff it’s awsum……

Robag’s First Play thru

I want to marry this game….

Blood’s First Play thru

This game has zero ping, everyone online has zero ping, the menu shows all players with zero ping, this game must have sum great code behind it……

We all can’t wait until ETQW2 is released this year……………


Robag's picture

omfg i need new underware

I mean, once you stop drooling over the the new graphics engine “crysis 2 is now ETQW2 bitch”, the game play is smooth and shiny. Don’t worry you will be shouthing “F%^K you Limpit in about 3.5 seconds of him joing the game.
The rego in the game is exact and bullet drop is consistant.
i can’t wait to play the new game mode “Plug that Pub (TDM)” the main premis is you get a random spawn, then spend the new 30 mins staggering around the map drinking stroog juice, which makes you drunk off your skull, until you find right bottle of bozzes, then you unlock a weapon called the “BFG anilizer”. apprently this weapon is like a nade launched on your SMG. but it randomly fires explosive butt plugs at anyone in the level. If you can hit there brown button you are the winner of the round.
this game mode sounds messy but fun.

current rating 4.5 out of 5 rubber chickens


Holy shit.....

I just bugged the BOD for the download link and I am playing it at work.
I must say that this is the single greatest game I have ever played.

It’s so good i have even play the single player( first time I have ever on a game),the story line is the most action packed i have ever seen(think shawn of the dead mixed with inception with some blade plat lines)
All in all I have now quit my job to play this all day and become pro and start WINNING AT LIFE.

Sha8doW's picture

So good

I’ve even stopped stalking deadite and Mandy!
Took the day off work just to play…. Not dressed, kids still not fed or dressed… I can’t pull myself from the game (I’m writing this between the 10 seconds loading between maps!
Better then sex…. With myself even!

you guys are drunk

its F%^k you limpet with an ‘e’

chipper's picture


the scary thing is I remember that map very well!

Love your work mate!!!

Is this real? Where can I

Is this real? Where can I get a copy of this Beta????? It says a ETQW will be released this year? So many questions, lol.

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