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Revision of GA ET:QW ladder entries now open from Sat, 05/01/2008 - 10:46

Fuzz's picture

The GA ET:QW ladder is open for entries. I’ve signed up Team IPX for a team. Should be good fun.

All current Team IPX gaming roster please head over here and apply to join our team.

From what I can tell you need to have a user over at GA to be able to join. If you need me to invite you, just let me know which email address you signed up to GA with.

Let’s see how this goes :)

UPDATE: 5/1/2008
We now have 13 players enrolled: Haklin, n0mad, Kazozza, Fuzz, Sha8doW, Ltmon, ResidentEvil, Kazashi, Blood, zoomer17, holdens05, HarrasmentPanda, Hashy



Kazozza's picture


Awesome, I’m in.

Dunno how we’ll go week to week, but it shouldn’t be hard to scrape up 6…

n0mad's picture

You Rock

Count Me In……..

Done and Done….with more

Done and Done….with more free time I’m loving getting back into it:)

Fuzz's picture


added you two in. Oz you able to accept the invite?

Edit: scratch that. you already have



I have sent my app. I was however very tempted to send an
app to NES with some big spiel about white power and Nazi
ruler ship, All hail Adolf NEG!

count me in

Im in guys ill never turn down a scrim, can kiwis compete in this one?

Fuzz's picture

Without reading the rules

Without reading the rules I’m going to assume yes. Failing that maybe your Austrlian based Japanese counterpart could play.

Fuzz's picture


Can’t see anything that says you can’t. Skullz are NZ based aren’t they? They’re in there.


Hope so, look forward to having you watch my back.

If the ausys

If the ausys arnt to scared of my ill be there mate.

Sha8doW's picture

yep blood...

your in cuz..

and ive registered too!

Game on

Sweet as let me chuck some gas in my titan and im there.

great let the hamer time

great let the hamer time begin

Great let the hammer time

Great let the hammer time begin


Done – Can you approve? ~HarassmentPanda

Fuzz's picture


Done. And now we have 13.

Fuzz's picture


Hashy, XViper, Dementia – are you guys joining the ladder?

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