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Revision of Bored.... Day 8. What's your top 3 alcoholic drinks? from Thu, 08/09/2011 - 09:25

Fuzz's picture

You know the drill. Top 3 drinks, pronto.

Mm.. Hungy to eat alcoholic drinks.


Fuzz's picture


1. Makers Mark Bourbon
2. Tequila (only drank it once… was a good night for me… not such a good night for anyone who wasnt drinking it and had to put up with me)
3. hmm don’t really have a third.

ltmon's picture


Geez Fuzz, if we’re naming favourites at least pick something that costs a lot :)

1. Single malt scotch, drunk neat — A’bunadh Abelour, Laphroaig and others
2. A nice ale, preferably Trappist — Orval is my favourite
3. In summer, a high class Carribean rum, like a Mt. Gay or 10 Cane, with just some ice and a slice of lime

Tequila is something that makes me very sick, even if I drink just a little.

o my

1 home brew whiskey with coke
2 wild turkey with coke
3 home brew whiskey with coke

and woodstock because it gets my wife horney

Fuzz's picture


lol, I don’t drink enough to even know the diff between the cheap and the bad. I can taste the diff between Jim Beam and Makers Mark though. mmmm.

lt u gotta come to Shad’s party to show me the errors of my ways – you provide the expensive booze hehe.


1: Canadian Club with ginger ale
2: Speights beer
3: Any other Kiwi beers


1. Booker Noes bourbon
2. Wild Turkey Honey bourbon
3. Caribbean Dark Rum


1. Weihanstephaner hefeweissbier (german)
2. Bundy reserve rum
3. Sav blanc wine (NZ marlborough region rocks)


ltmon's picture


Can’t make it… I’m in Central America remember. I’ll try and ring in from Guatemala if it’s possible — we could have a Skype party or something?

In any case, whenever you want to turn up in Melbourne there’s a single malt or two to taste in the top cupboard :)

Sha8doW's picture


Errr burbon

Maybe beer!

I don’t really care, I don’t drink for the taste, I drink to get nailed! I don’t drink often but when I do…

Fuzz's picture

Cool, will take you up on that

(both the liquor and the drunken call from Shads).

n0mad's picture


plain and simple mix it up in many ways….



Beer- any type but tops would be Heineken and Corona
A nice red with dinner (prefer a Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot) and a white for general drinking with the girls (either a Chardonnay or Sav Blanc)
And a Canadian club with Ginger Ale on a Sunday night

Hashy's picture


1) Sc0tch & Coke, l0ts 0f sc0tch and c0ke
2) Brandy ( Save the grapes! Either make grape juice 0r brandy, d0nt stuff ar0und with perfectly g00d grapes!)
3) Vodka 0n the 0dd 0ccasi0n
——————————->Evil bel0w this line.
4) Absinthe
5) Rum
6) Beer Anything brewed with a plant cl0sely related t0 Cannabaceae
7) G00n – Never tried it, never will

n0t t00 fussy with my sc0tch drinking, g0 fr0m brand t0 brand. Cheap sc0tch, mid range sc0tch, expensive sc0tch, its m0stly the same t0 me haha. I pick up s0me subtle differences, but I d0nt make a big n0te ab0ut it, I just drink it f0r its effect. Been drinking Carlton Club lately, as I find it a g00d sm00th drink f0r its price range. Other times I get s0me Ballantines Finest. Slightly m0re expensive and maybe a bit r0ugher, but I like the b0ttle m0re hahaha
0nly ever b0ught 0ne b0ttle 0f Chivas Regal, was 0n special at the time. Nice dr0p, but I w0uldn’t pay full price f0r it f0r myself, great gift f0r my aunty th0ugh.

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