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Revision of Robag goes to the Ball from Mon, 19/09/2011 - 23:04

Robag's picture

Just so you know
here is a pic of me and my awsome girlfriend LJ, BTW i look Pimped :D and so does LJ



need a hat with a feather an'

need a hat with a feather and you shall be pimp. Wait robag is black (already spoken in mumble about it)


Looking good Robag. (Yea his is black. Its good thing he is wearing a white shirt)


What a lovely photo of you both!

n0mad's picture

Lets g0t0 the P0LLS

Firstly let me say U b0th l00k smashing and Robag U clean up well br0….

I think we need 2 get a p0ll g0ing 0n a gaming name f0r LJ
What d0 U think robag ?


Hashy's picture


What the! y0u mean s0meb0dy actually t00k a ph0t0 0f y0u at night? AND WE CAN SEE Y0U??!!! DAMNIT!! Hashy bashes his camera Y U N0 TAKE PH0T0S 0F BLACK PE0PLE!!!???!!

seri0usly, l00kin sharp there r0bag & LJ! =)

smart b0w tie with a beer in hand. 0ne day r0bag, s0meb0dy will paint a p0rtrait 0f y0u, and RIGHT THERE will be that fucking b0ttle 0f beer!


Looking sexy… oh and your nice to bro ;P

Sha8doW's picture

robag is the one on the right guys!

Just kidding, hope you had an epically, screw norwaytastic time

Robag's picture

Thank You

Temperance LJ Lol’ed when she saw the post


Robag's picture

Yes that is Right

Robag Is Black, who would of though it :p
Hmmm a poll you say N0mad i like the Idea
Hashy hmmmmmmmm beeeerrrrr :D
Shad yep we had a screw norwaytastic time :)


Hashy's picture


next time i see ya r0bag, first beers 0n me, i 0we y0u fr0m last time i think xD

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