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Revision of Counter Strike Source - Team IPX Operation Office Eagle? from Fri, 04/11/2011 - 17:46
Battlefield 3 is right at our doorsteps. More games are coming down the line almost faster then we can count. This is a step back into one of the classic first person shooter games ever created. A more original type of FPS, Counter Strike: Source is the remake of the original game in the newer Source engine. It worked. It feels for the most part, like CS felt. 1.6 purists may not agree, but for all intensive purposes it is the same game, if not, in my own opinion, better then the original.
So lets get down to it shall we.
This will be a mostly open game. Good chance we will be playing on a public server, so two things. Don’t stack one team too heavily and unbalance the game ( which will happen naturally anyway, as it does..), and be on your best behavior while in public. There are a lot of jerks in CSS ( not as many as WoW, but I wouldn’t actually know because I NEVER played that sh!t) and things can tend to get a little over heated. People get aggressive, people get abusive. The point is, don’t give it back. Just ignore it and move on, at the very least, let it get your adrenaline pumping, because in this game your gonna need it!
We should stick to a classic map for starters, preferably without snipers. That just seemed to be the trend for awhile, times change, we might get into a sniper server instead, but it does ruin some maps, but hey, a well placed smoke can always ruin a snipers day.
I reckon we should go straight with Office. Its a classic, people always play it, and there is not an awful lot to learn about the layout of the map, so its quicker and easier to get straight into.
I think it is important to be playing more then 1 type of FPS game at a time. What I mean is, alternating between different types of first person shooters can be good for your overall co ordination skills, and if done correctly, improve your performance in each of the games. So it would be great for everybody to come along, try some CSS.
For those who do not already have the game, it is fairly cheap, $20 USD on Steam. I am willing to buy the game for one other who does not already have it and is interested in joining in! =)
I’ll take a vice captain, anybody up for it?
CS:S BETA : Right now it appears that there is some kind of Beta in the works for CSS. You MIGHT need to download this and play through this. I had trouble finding servers on my original client. I installed the beta, but couldnt find hardly any servers wordwide. So I went back to normal CSS, and it was working as usual again. So just saying, you might need to download the beta to get normal css to work properly, it might be a bug, or I might have made a mistake somewhere. If somebody could please check this out just to make sure, would be a pain if you have to download all that just to play what you already have.
Finalization of the time and date of the game is not definite at this time. (We might be all that hooked on BF3 we cant put it down for weeks!)
Looks like Internode servers are where the population is at the moment. Only found one Games Arena server with people on it, but like 5 on Internode, so that will probably be our best bet.
What am I missing? Anything? Let me know, first time setting up a challenge I think, I know its a bit messy.
Just make sure you find that Counter Strike: Source Beta and install that if your having problems. Should be right.
Chosen #05 (Office no sniper) as our default starting ground. Please add all the CSS servers to your favourites list for ease of access, as well as the games arena servers, just in case.
This server will be busy on a Friday night, but there will be others suitable for us to switch over too. Will figure it out on the night.
Anything else.. Anything?
Heres the server lists for Internode and Games Arena. (scroll down to Counter Strike: Source, and note the large number of TF2 servers…maybe for the future, its free to play I thiiink?)
Try the game out first, make sure its all in running order. let steam do its patchy thing, and should be right =)
EDIT: TEST TABLE v0.1c (n0w versi0n “d” by n0mad, because we are a TEAM)
Team IPX | Yes/No | 4th Nov | 5th Nov | Other Date | Comment | |
Bloodstorm – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Chipper – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Crazy_As – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Deadite – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Deadmaker – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
DELTA2ALPHA – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Fuzz – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Harassment Panda – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Hashy – IPX | Yes | Yes | Yes | - | - | |
Kerrien – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Killer – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Kippa – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Legion – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Limpet – IPX | no | - | - | sorry | kinda in the bf3 mode at the mo | |
Loganator – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Lovendie – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Ltmon – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Mattatuide – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Microman171 – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
n0mad – IPX | NO | - | - | - | Away! | |
Robag – IPX | N0 | - | - | - | In QLD :( | |
Sc0ut – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Sha8doW – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Silentshadow – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Spudinator – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
StepUp – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Temperance – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Torque – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Willow – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
BloodDrop – IPX | - | - | - | - | - | |
Kazashi – IPX | - | - | - | - | - |
Time and date
Time and date? Funnily en0ugh the 4th 0f n0vember will be the day that Tribes Ascend g0es 0pen beta but that d0esnt b0ther me.
Just think ab0ut y0ur availability, and we can try and w0rk 0ut and pin d0wn a better time and day f0r it. Chances are times will change s0, just see h0w we g0.
Tables in these things? Any idea h0w I get 0ne 0f th0se tables in these challenge p0sts? n0t that im l00king f0rward t0 slapping it t0gether, but it w0uld c0me in handy =)
For me...
4th of November is good, any time after that for three weeks or so is out, and after that any day of the week baby!
Am traveling back from interstate, may be late (or not available pending angry wife)
Soz I'm out
will be in the Bung for a 30th im going to for some douche bag…..
On the 12th ya fucktard!
Your comming down a little early softy?
Gunna try and get a better gokart time slow coqch
h0w ab0ut the 5th?
Micr0 said the 5th is still g00d f0r him, is that any better f0r y0u Shad?
I’m in Sydney that weekend for my sons birthday. Was hoping to make that one too. Oh well…
make a table
copy/paste & edit a table from a previous challenge…
lets get peoples availabilities locked in and pick a mutually agreeable time!
test table..
0k put up my first test table. Let me kn0w what might need changing, thanks.
Table Fixed v0.1d
Only a few things I fixed 0n the table, nice w0rk Hashy
If y0u haven’t filled in the Table ab0ve please d0, s0 Hashy can arrange a suitable time……
I’m Away fr0m the PUTA f0r a few weeks/m0nths will explain s00n…..
Have a great friendly c0mp all the best…..
Thanks scout
Thanks t0 sc0ut f0r being the 0nly 0ne t0 turn up ;p
Had a nice c0uple 0f games.
Will reschedule this f0r later 0n and give pe0ple plenty 0f n0tice
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