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Revision of Look boys and bums, Delta is cumming to Sydney from Fri, 28/10/2011 - 08:49

So my son is turning 6 next week and Im flying over. Just wondering, what are some cool places to eat and what fun things are there for a child to do around the area? Any ideas and help would be great.

Cheers lads


Fuzz's picture

Hey Delta

Luna Park might be worth a look.
WHen I was younger I used to enjoy catching the ferry from Sydney to Manly, spend the day out there and then head back to Sydney.
IMAX in Darling Harbour maybe.

chipper's picture

ferry to zoo

if the weather is ok the zoo is a good day out. the ferry from circular key is a good way of getting there from town.

Sha8doW's picture

Zoo good

The zoo is great! F-ing aquarium is way over priced!!

Hashy's picture


There’s the Powerhouse Museum t00. Might wanna l00k it up, I d0nt remember where it is.

Luna park if y0u want rides and that carnie atm0sphere. I was g0nna suggest the Aquarium as well, but if they’re being tight arsed 0n their prices and thats an issue f0r y0u, skip it and g0t0 Taronga Zoo instead.

Bad weather will ruin a visit t00 the Zoo and Luna Park, s0 maybe Powerhouse and Aquarium can be backups just in case.

g00d luck and have fun, s0rry I d0nt have any 0ther rec0mmendati0ns f0r y0u. d0 a bridge climb (pr0bably n0t cheap either) if y0ur b0y isn’t that afraid 0f heights!


Thanks heaps guys. Yeah I think being the fact his only turning 6, I will go with the Zoo and Aquarium/Museum backup idea. Any kiddie restaurants worth going to? I heard there was an awesome all you could eat place over east… but I cant for the life of me remember if it was QLD or NSW?

Sha8doW's picture

All you can eat

Nfi, but there is heaps of stuff around Sydney. You won’t be in short supply!

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