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Revision of Battlefield 3 ANZ Battlegrounds Summer Season Team IPX VS Infinity Gaming from Fri, 06/01/2012 - 09:23

Tripsicle98's picture
11/01/2012 20:15
Challenge Details
Battlefield 3
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
Depending On what day either Operation Metro / Grand Bazaar
Infinity Gaming
Not yet entered

Morning All
This morning i got an email from alienware all of you that are registered with team ipx should have recieved it also
We have out first match coming up and they have given us three options
Monday 9th 8.00pm EDT According To Schedule Map = Operation Metro
Tuesday 10th 8.00pm EDT According To Schedule Map = Operation Metro
Wednesday 11th 8.15pm EDT According To Schedule Map = Grand Bazaar

Team IPX Mon Jan 9th 8.00pm EDT Tue Jan 10th 8.00pm EDT Wed Jan 11 8:15pm EDT Playing
Blood - - - -
Deadite - - - -
Don_Robbery - - - -
KillerSL Any Any Any Yes
Kippa - - - -
Limpet y y y -
Mattatuide y y y -
Loganator98 Ehh Y Y -
Microman N Y Y -
Robag Y Y Y -
StepUp Y Y Y either
Stoneface - - - -
Spudinator - - - -
Sha8dow Y Y Y hope so



Team IM’s challenge that was on the same night, love this alienware site , even if you have accepted a challenge you can still get another on the same day and time, fking BS.

Tripsicle98's picture

Yeah i saw that

neither mind . Silly site thinks we can play two teams at once .

Sha8doW's picture


can you clean up the challenge pages… they all say season 1, match 1 etc… some with multiple dates and some with singles…
its rather confusing…

Fuzz's picture

Naming standard would help too

“Battlefield 3 ANZ Battlegrounds Summer Season” is really long – hard to differentiate from the title when they all start with the same 8 words.

Suggest a short version of the comp title.

Instead of
“Battlefield 3 ANZ Battlegrounds Summer Season Team IPX VS Infinity Gaming”
Something like
“BF3 ANZ Battlegrounds.S01M01.IPX vs IG”

You’ll still have the full information in the fields of the challenge so none of it will be lost, it just makes it easier to tell from the title what challenge you’re up to.


n0mad's picture

I like

Team IPX V IG – BF3 ANZ BSS – S01G01

But hey that’s me just keeping with what has been d0ne in the past….


Fuzz's picture

look at that

n0mad’s right… we already have a standard :) nice work n0mad.

So the resolution is… follow the standard we’ve already got.

(FYI, i was looking at how my tv shows were named when I wrote the one above hehe)

Tripsicle98's picture

Okey Dokey

I shall get onto it tommorow :D Thanks for your help

Tripsicle98's picture


I havent been in IPX that long so i dont exactly know the standard so a little break would be nice

Fuzz's picture


Yep, you’re right you’re pretty new. We’re not hassling you, just informing you of the standard. Thanks for fixing it. Good work rookie :)


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