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Revision of Team IPX vs HEAT s0101 from Thu, 09/02/2012 - 11:24

13/02/2012 19:30
13/02/2012 20:00
Challenge Details
Battlefield 3
Challenge Type: 
Competition / Ladder
Cybergamer 4v4 Squad Rush
Grand Bazaar
Not yet entered
Team IPX Monday, Febuary 13th at 7.30PM EDT 9.30 NZDT Playing
Blood - -
Deadite - -
don-robbery - -
KillerSL - -
Kippa - -
Limpet - -
Mattatuide - -
Loganator98 - -
Leigon - -
Microman - -
Robag - -
StepUp - -
Stoneface - -
Spudinator - -
Sha8dow - -


ladder rules

The following Weapon attachments/Accessories/Unlocks are not allowed – Flashlights – IRNV – M320 (Grenade Launcher Version) – C4 Explosives – RPG/SMAW – Claymores – Frag Rounds – TUG (Recon sensoring unit) – MAV (Recon Drone)

1.3 Matches will consist of two teams playing 1 map for 3 sets. Each team will play as the attacker and defender in a set (2 rounds). If after the second set, it is not possible for the losing team to win by playing a third set (e.g. current score is 4-0, 4-1 or 3-0) then the third set does not have to be played.

1.4 Matches will be scored based on total points, NOT rounds won.

Scoring will be done as follows:

Blowing 0 MComm stations = 0 points
Blowing 1 MComm station = 1 point
Blowing 2 MComm stations = 2 points

Both teams need to screenshot the end of round scoreboard in case there are any score disputes. The screenshot should capture the section where it says “MCOMS Remaining”. Remember points are given for number of MCOMS destroyed so if it says 2 MCOMS remaining that means 0 points are given to the attacking team, if it says 1 MCOM remaining then 1 point is given etc.


may struggle to make it to this one but i will try.

ladder rules here

well done boys

Good job Micro and Legion on your 1st bf3 4v4 run!

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