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Revision of Aus vs NZ (Round 2) 22/03/2012 from Fri, 16/03/2012 - 14:07

22/03/2012 07:30
22/03/2012 09:30
Challenge Details
Left 4 Dead 2
Challenge Type: 
Aus vs NZ
Not yet entered

Round 2 will be another L4D2 match but on Survival rather than Versus. Three maps will be chosen randomly (on match night I will draw from a hat between rounds) and each team will have ONE attempt on each to achieve a survival time. The two teams will play maps simultaneously in separate mumble channels, however must reconvene in the lobby upon completing a map to share their survival time, as well as, learn of the next map to be played. After completing the three maps, your three survival times will be combined to produce your team’s final time. The team with the longest survival time wins. There will be no official practice rounds so be ready to go live at 9:30 NZ / 7:30 AEDT. There are no rules against practising maps before match time/day, however teams won’t know which ones to practice as map selection will be random.
Please place a Y on the table if you can make the set time/date and are willing to play. If you played in Round 1 you can apply to play again, however fresh players will be given priority.

Player Team NZ Team Aus
Blood N -
Deadite Y -
don-robbery - -
Kippa - -
Limpet - -
Mattatuide - -
Loganator98 Y -
Microman - -
Robag - Y
Spudinator - -
Sha8dow - -
Cheesy - -
CheeseyDawg - -
Mangomuncher - -
Chipper - -
Fuzz - -
n0mad - -
silent - y
Cazy_As - -


fun fun

i will also give some pointers to both aus a nz if they need a hand because i have goldmedals on 70% – 80% of maps


only to aus ;)

Sha8doW's picture


RayNe play?

time for setup

how much time do we have to set up before we start round

Tripsicle98's picture

Yay another L4D2 night



won’t be around this week

Well that's 4

So Silent, Shads, Robag and me? Prac Wednesdy night? Survived is pretty diff to normal, so prac might do us some good.

Sha8doW's picture

I am more then

happy to stand aside and let someone else play!
so dont let the fact we got 4 already stop people from registering

Sha8doW's picture

oh and

who added rayne to the table?
sware on my kids i didnt

Tripsicle98's picture


Is there something you need to tell us ….

Robag's picture


prac sounds like a good idea


Turns out..

i am going to the movies tonight so I won’t be here for the match. Don might be playing with three traitors tonight :S sorry Don. If a team cannot field enough players, even with traitors, it is up to the other team to decide whether the match should be played anyway (remaining slots being taken up by bots) or rescheduled for another night. I will come online as soon as I get home to see if anyone is still on but im guessing it will be way too late by then.
If you do end up playing anyway, good luck Don! We were holding you back anyway buddy ;)

i say

just move the date, but im still keen for a game tonight


Team Australia: 8:55.06
Team NZ: 7:03.33

Winner (10 points) = Australia

Final Score
Team Aus: 21
Team NZ: 2

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