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Revision of The IPX Network - Podcast from Fri, 23/03/2012 - 12:45

Howdy team

ok, where to begin? 1st up: April is fast approaching, and mid April is when I (Shad) would like to see the 1st episode of The IPX Network (Podcast) going live for DL onto iPods, and other media devices for peoples listening pleasure?

So how can you be a part of it? simple… keep reading

The IPX Network will be a 30-45minute discussion forum where a panel of 4-5 (+1-2 special guests) (numbers are still flexible) discuss a range of topics (not just gaming) and enter into robust discussion!
Each fortnight, hosts will be looking to people just like you to pop in for a 10 minute segment on a specific topic. you may wish to lead a discussion/present news or updates/raise awareness on a specific topic of which you’re a subject matter expert – you may not be a subject mater expert, and just have a really interesting topic which you want to be part of the discussion!
The hosts may rotate slightly pending availability/interest increased number of special guest content. (the main reason for limiting numbers is to control discussion and ensure everyone gets a chance to speak!) – It’s hoped that hosts bring diversity, different views and experience to the discussions to represent a large cross section of the listening community – rather then just a boring case of agreeable dribble!
We want to have a structured format so we can ensure results – not boring shitlong silence!

Hosts ill be expected to put in the time and effort to:
1. Discover, research new content/discussion ideas/topics each fortnight
2. Disseminate and propose content to other hosts for their review each fortnight
3. Review proposed content
4. Vote and agree on content for the fortnights podcast
5. Conduct your own research into the podcast topic and prepare notes/discussion points for your own use during the podcast
6. Be available one night in the week to dedicate to the “group recording” of The IPX Network Pod casts
7. Participate in the Podcast recording – be a good speaker
8. Be available to assist, post recording, with upload/update of the Podcast to where ever it is decided it will go/update the page.

and most importantly work together, as a team, supporting each other to deliver the outcome: a fortnightly podcast!

So, how can you become a part of The IPX Network? how can you become host? how can you become a special guest?

Being a part: DL a copy of the podcast each fortnight and have a listen, submit content ideas to hosts (this will earn you 100 Svalbards each topic/fortnight) – make suggestions/give feedback for how to improve the quality of the program.
being a special guest: submit your idea/desire to be a special guest to a host (then be prepared to action your part of a hosts responsibilities) Special Guests will get a whopping 750 Svalbards for each podcast they participate in!
being a host: this one is a little harder, and requires a little more effort! (due to the expectations and effort required of a host). Every person (EVERY PERSON, including BoDs and myself) will need to submit an application detailing WHY they should be a host on The IPX Network! These applications will be reviewed by and independent reviewer (who knows NO ONE) and Fuzz (who has advised that he is unable to be a host, but is happy to assist with the review of applications)

Applications between 400-100 words should be submitted by Friday 30th March, to Fuzz Via PM, addressing the following criteria:
Why YOU should be a host
Why the IPX Network would benefit from you being a host
What specific skills/knowledge etc do you bring to the IPX network

In the meantime, there is a 1000 svalbard competition about to be run where people can submit ideas for “theme/opening/intro music” – submit your ideas to Fuzz or Me for this via PM

We also are looking for people who know about uploading YouTube & iTunes – Bonus Svalabards available here too!

This is a fantastic opportunity for IPX and for every individual in the team!

Get Cracking!


Sha8doW's picture

Congrats to Delta

for the 1st submission in the 1000 Svalbard comp for “theme/opening/intro music”

His submission is in the running – but for his effort he scores himself 300 Svalbards

(maybe the 2nd person will get 200 ;) – as delta mentioned, the ability to use it, while crediting the author, and not breaching copyright is important!

I can handle

the youtube side of things if you want.

Tripsicle98's picture

I Can handle

the Podcast / RSS side of things if you want

i could

possibly make a little comic to go with the recording

Robag's picture

Remember the Media upload Page

task is here 1


Microman's picture


Would have been fun to take part in :-)

Cant make news feed

I was going to make a new write up for another game, but as suggested I can not put it under the news section. Do I need to have permission to access this?

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