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Revision of Aus vs NZ Round 3. Dirt2 - Tuesday 8 May, after BF3 practice from Thu, 03/05/2012 - 18:37

08/05/2012 21:00
08/05/2012 23:00
Challenge Details
Dirt 2
Challenge Type: 
Auz vs NZ
Not yet entered

Round 3 of the AUS vs NZ tournament will take place on Tuesday 8th of May.
We should already have a sizeable turnout for the BF3 practice session on this date, and all other members are welcome. If players are willing, we could even wrap-up BF3 prac a little early on this special occasion so we aren’t forced to stay up too late.
Please provide a Y next to your name on the table under your country of origin if you are interested in participating in this event. If your name is not on the table and you are interested, either add it yourself or state your interest in the comments section.

Game: Dirt2
Format: Race = Twice forwards and twice backwards on chosen track. Winner will be the team with the lowest combined placings after four races.
Participants: 3 Kiwis, 3 Auzzies (players can be subbed in and out between races)
Tracks: Novigrad
Cars: Whichever car that can be used by all players

So at the end, the placings for each team member from each race are combined to produce your team’s final score. The lowest score wins.

Note: I am not all too knowledgeable about this game and its game modes, therefore if there are alternative ways of running this round of the tournament, (ie an easier way to decide the winner? a different race type? etc.) please feel free to let me know in the comments.

Player Team NZ Team Aus
Blood Y -
Deadite y -
don-robbery - -
Kippa - -
Limpet y -
Mattatuide - Yes, oh god Yes
Loganator98 - -
Microman - -
Robag - Y
Spudinator - -
Sha8dow y suppose I’m gunna have to step up! I think the rs200 and wingo dealie are out due to people’s access! Pity fuzz can’t make it! I think AUS is in another GREAT position here boys!
Cheesy - -
CheeseyDawg - -
Mangomuncher - -
Chipper - -
Fuzz - N – no pc right now. Pissed I can’t make it… this would have been awesome
n0mad - -
silent - -
Crazy_As - -
Harmonator - -
Fishy - -
binary - -


Sha8doW's picture


Novagrad can’t be don’t backwards
(epic run tho)

Fuzz's picture


That was my suggestion based on that time we did it manually backwards. All drive to the end of the track, turn around and race backwards. Can’t have a Dirt 2 comp without trying that. You will all have to work on the honour system though.

Perhaps I can officiate via mumble for that track. I’ll picture in my mind who crossed the line first and call it.

Sha8doW's picture

Well if we do it that way

That definatly evens it up!
No one would have put any practice time in doing it backwards!
That would be crazy (down hill) hahah!


From what i remember downhill is very exciting lol

Fuzz's picture

I get

dizzy just thinking about it….

Sha8doW's picture


Settle down tiger!
(I blame something weird making your avatar expand over the comment)

It sounds like chaos! Especially the section in that work/industrial area (2nd split point) near the bridge at the start (going up hill)

So much speed

Fuzz's picture


(I blame something weird making your avatar expand over the comment)

I believe that thing is Apple. I noticed the same thing on the ipad


get the fuck out of the nz team. We know you want to be a kiwi, but really this is a bit to much.

I will just leave this here

Sha8doW's picture


Furkr Matt! When I got home I wasmgunna post the Same photo!

LoL NZ’ERS are soooo rooted!

just a

reminder that you should check your install BEFORE we go to play.

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