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Revision of May the 4th be with you! from Fri, 04/05/2012 - 10:39

It’s StarWars day people!

May the 4th be with you, always!


Sha8doW's picture

Wanna play with my light sabre?

Dat da da dahhhh dahhhh
Dat da da dahhhh dahhhh
Dat da da dahhhh dahhhh
Dat da da dahhhh

Hang on a minute… It’s the same tune, repeated… Over and over! Just faster/slower!
Wtf these people won awards for this stuff!


BUT theres SO many versions of Star Wars out these days.. I don’t know which ending to believe anymore…

The 3D version turns Vader into the right pussy he was supposed to be all along.

“Noo…. NOOOOO!” facepalm

n0mad's picture

these are n0t the

Dr0ids y0u are l00king f0r……

I use t0 have that bar music as my ring t0ne
but s0 0ver it n0w…..


Hardcore Trekkie

Ok so I was raised a hardcore Trek fan, I wont deny that. But too often you get into debates with Star Wars fans who just think their 6 movies trumps Star Treks 11 movies, and 5 series’… I give Star Wars credit where credit is due.

Star Wars is an epic type tale of fantasy (where did you think the “A long long time ago.. In a Galaxy Far away..” came from? Its an adaptation of fantasy fairy tales introductions..). Star Trek is a science fiction soap opera.

The real trump is this… Vader can blow up a planet using something the size of.. Well.. A planet… Captain Janeway on the other hand, can blow up a planet with a warhead that you can carry in your hands……

“Star Wars, your logic fails you, it does”

So I have a bias towards Trek, but I have a respect for Star Wars. Just not its hardcore fanatics, they cant come to grips with their super powerful space ships (with giant windows) being beaten by a supernatural entity which is seemingly God like in its powers.

I can go on and on. But I will just say this. Janeway has more balls then Vader. She will get her crew home in a tiny ship stranded 75,000c(lightyears), and will blow up a few planets to do it… Vader hides in his monstrosity of a machine which can be destroyed by one desert farm rat, firing a tiny torpedo thru an obviously badly designed duct…. I can go on and on…

Sha8doW's picture

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Startrek had the same thing (transparent aluminum)
I was a fan of both
The best thing about sw was the Jedi!

(and the 3 prequels never occurred – vader doesn’t cry, doesn’t become Hayden Christensen at the end, and their ain’t no musical in jabbas palace)

PS vader wasnt involved in the design of the deathstar, it was designed by winged aliens before he turned to the darkside! The 2nd actually resolved those issues you mention however the greed o the emperor forced it into operation while still in construction!
Also vader could strangle Picard…. “number one, eng-agggg errr agggh”

All to easy….

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