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Revision of New Honorary Member - Hashy from Sun, 17/06/2012 - 11:22

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX BoD have inducted Hashy into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Hashy is required to go through Induction. Please assist our new honorary in any way you can with this.

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Akenn23 – IPX
Binary – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Deadmaker – IPX
Fishey – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Lovendie – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Stoneface – IPX
WickFi5h – IPX
Willow – IPX

The Great hairy one wanted to say a few words:

ohwoanoaooscwo aooo aoworasc ahakk acracacro scro rooohu rrakscrr rhwo aorchuwo rawhwa scraro rooohurc cwhahakworc rcahwwanwo rcoohuwhwac akrarcao aoacwo acworawac ooww rooohu wowhwoscahwoc oooh rawhwa rhro aoacwo ohraro oaacwoohrhraoaoara ohrawhaoc ra oaooooorahwo scscscscscscscscscsc oaooooooooorororororororahahahwowowowowowowo


The BoD
Team IPX


n0mad's picture


Padman U say muhaaaa

U kn0w this is where the fun is…….


chipper's picture


Excellent stuff!

Fuzz's picture

Welcome back to the fold


Thanks Fellas

Thanks fellas.. Will have to do something about getting my account going again..heh.. I cannot log in ;)

Sha8doW's picture

Good to see you

Good to see you hashy! The team is still strong!

You know the truth!

Hello again ;)#

Welcome back Hashy !!!

willow's picture


Nice to see you again :) Welcome back!!

Cheers =)

Thanks Shad and Spud and willow and again to the rest.

I will need to get in contact with the BOD sometime soon to get the email address on my account “Hashy” changed to a “real” one.. I believe i changed it to something obscene, or possibly offensive to the BOD, in which case I do apologize in advance before you see it!

Will need to change it to either of the addresses nominated in my Hon. Membership Application.

“I’m the masterpiece of self destruction.” Burt Gummer

Either way, I don’t think I need to ask what has happened in my absence. Sh!t happens, and we move on. Let us keep this team going forward, there is always something more interesting just up around the bend! =)

Fuzz's picture


Is the nname of your street.

Hashy's picture

Thanks Fuzz

Cheers Fuzz, thanks for the trouble =)

Now if I can only find the procedure I wrote down to make myself an OP in the IRC channel… It is SOMEWHERE in my old hard drive. So if it is alright, if you Fuzz can pull the strings again, I can OP for the Team again in IRC =)

So in my absence, I did not a heck of a lot. I did however another return trip to Mars in Orbiter, and am currently planning a difficult trip to Saturn. I also watched ( more or less in its entirety) some Star Trek Voyager.. It’s been years since ive watched it ( ever since I converted from VHS to DVD, our extensive VHS library became practically inaccessible..). So both of those were kind of like my time away. They both helped to center myself a bit more and gain some better perspective on issues..

I also managed to tackle my sleeping problem head on! Read a way ( on no less!) about how to reset the bodies circadian rhythms, simply by eating at the right time, and not at the wrong time.. It seems to work pretty damn well, at least for me. Something else triggers off a bad sleeping cycle, stress, anxiety, ect, however when you stay up at night, you tend to get hungry.. Once you eat, your sleeping cycle is going to be stuffed up again. So now I know this little secret, this past month I’ve had some of the best sleep I’ve had in the entire decade+ of bad sleeping.
It’s not exactly a silver bullet, but it comes close, at least for me.

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