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Revision of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed from Sun, 27/01/2013 - 12:01

n0mad's picture

m0rning fell0w gamers,

Rarely d0 I talk ab0ut big Corp0rate Games especially 0ne fr0m the likes 0f SEGA but
It’s time t0 wipe the dust 0ff ya PC XBOX Contr0llers because PC gaming n0w has a c0ns0le game w0rth playing fr0m SEGA

Steam has 10% 0ff pre purchases bef0re 01/02/2013 Steam Link

Like its predecessor, the game is a mascot-based kart racer, in which players race against each other using characters from various Sega franchises, although it features many new mechanics and improvements from the last game. The most obvious is that, at certain points in a race, vehicles can alternate between car, boat and plane modes. The car mode handles similarly to the previous game, in which players can earn boost by drifting around corners or performing tricks whilst in the air. Boat mode features true boating physics, requiring players to consider their vehicle’s turbulence. They may also be affected by waves made in the water, some of which can be used to leap into the air and perform stunts. Plane mode, the fastest of the three forms, gives players the freedom to move both vertically and horizontally. Like the other modes, players can ‘air-drift’ around corners to earn boost and can also perform rolls to quickly adjust their position, earning boost for narrowly dodging obstacles. Players alternate between these modes by driving through blue transformation gates. Certain tracks in the game terraform as players proceed through them, offering different playstyles between each lap.

Several new varieties of weapons have been added, including explosive hot rod engines, freezing snowballs and swarms of wasps that appear at the front of the pack. All-Star Moves return from the previous title, though these are awarded slightly differently compared to the last game, and can now be used in online multiplayer.During races, players can collect star tokens, found scattered around the course or earned by attacking opponents, which can be spent in a slot machine between events to earn random bonuses, such as enhanced items or faster recovery from certain weapons.

The game features 16 new tracks inspired by games like Super Monkey Ball, Panzer Dragoon, Golden Axe, After Burner and Burning Rangers, as well as four returning locations from the first game and mirror versions of each track. The game also features online multiplayer in all versions and four player split-screen multiplayer for the console versions. Some of the career modes can also be played in split-screen multiplayer. The Wii U version also features unique minigames and features that utilize the Wii U GamePad and can support up to five players via split-screen.


Fuzz's picture

Looks great

Wish it was a bit cheaper, but it does look good. There’s 2 things consoles do better than PC’s in terms of gaming and have for a long time – Sports games, and Racing games. There’s a heap of variety of them on consoles which forces them to compete against each other.
I’d love to play a demo of this…

Robag's picture

i have always

Had a soft spot for the NFS games

NFS Hot Pursuit on Steam

Not a bad price


Robag's picture

you know me

I always roll with the 4 pack lol


n0mad's picture


It is all I wished it t0 B
Great fun f0r all the fam
L00king f0rward t0 seeing U all in there s00n…….


Kazozza's picture


How do you compare it to the first game? I’ve played a bit of it’s predecessor, but never really found the time to churn through the levels. It was fun though.

Go Sonic! – whatever Shad =D

n0mad's picture


Hey 0z finally dr0pped the xb0x c0ntr0ller t0 C y0ur c0mments ab0ve…

The first game I never played but this TRANSFORMED versi0n is awsum
we play mari0 kart al0t 0n the wII s0 this is way better than mario kart

Levels are detailed and fun, each kart/car has it’s 0wn traits and upgrades
4 player split screen is amazing even 2 player split screen is awsum
Just the right mix 0f car to boat to plan that makes it n0t a gimmik but a great thing t0 mix up the acti0n….

Well I have high praise f0r this game as it runs 0n my l0w spec multimedia PC
with 1080P 1920 × 1080 flawlessly

s0 I trust we may be able t0 have a game 0nline s00n 0z….

0hh and I remember n0w why SEGA has a s0ft sp0t f0r me
g0lden axe was 0ne 0f my fav0rite [C64 then g0t it 0n Atari] games that’s why I like SEGA

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