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Revision of TEAM IPX (IPX Vs Ethereal) Regulation Match 2 from Sat, 09/02/2008 - 20:15

n0mad's picture
13/02/2008 21:00
13/02/2008 22:00


Who: Team IPX v Ethereal (GA Ladder Regulation match)
Date: Wednesday 09:00pm (13th Feb)
Response deadline: 09:32pm 9/2/2008
Time: See above
(Please join IRC at least 10 minutes beforehand to go over rules/tactics)
Where: TBA
Password: TBA Check your email from GA Gamecreate (otherwise check in IRC before the game)

We need at least 6 people for this match.
Please confirm your availability with a YES or a NO…
Anyone is free to Captain… Just let n0mad know via PM if your interested… OR n0mad will be Captain©

Ref: After placing this in the hands of the founders as I think this is the best place for this type of decision
a founders vote was conducted – 2 votes for no ref, 1 for Ref, 1 no vote.


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
1. n0mad © Yes Lets bring it to them
2. holdens05 Yes -
3. ltmon Yes -
4. harassmentpanda Yes -
5. Hashy Yes Quart milk & cookies
6. Bloodstorm Yes
luckless (reserve/spec) Yes -

Yet to make a decision (Times running out – NEED 1 MORE)

Kazozza - -
bl00dst0rm - -

n0 Ref n0 Play
zoomer17 NO Only if a GA ref is present
Sha8doW NO Only if a GA ref is present
Unable to Play
Haklin No work
Fuzz No work
Kazashi No out


What are the times/dates

What are the times/dates they have given us to choose from?

Fuzz's picture

Times updated

Updated the times proposed above.

ah damnit work sucks:( ...

ah damnit work sucks:( … ah monday time would of been perfect.

n0mad's picture

n0 GA Ref but Demo the Match

Ok after discussion the GA Ref with the founders of Team IPX as well as starting on the side of the
fence witch was “Yes we need a GA Ref “

I agree with the founders that we
“all Demo this match and if anything is suss we send it into for the Founders to
send into Game Arena”

with this understanding I (we) hope we can make up the numbers and we can don’t forfeit this match..

Sign Up……. Lets Go………………..

This is tricky for me

I have a friend coming to stay during that period, 12 – 15th.
If I am needed then I am sure my mate can entertain himself for an hour or so, however, if possible I would prefer to be a sub.
In short I can do it if its required.

Sha8doW's picture

hang on...

Discussion with founders?
no one asked me… and to be frank, I wont even contemplate playing this team without an admin…
and Ill gladly show any of you the abuse in my GA inbox that ive received from team members of Ethereal

and if we DONT have the numbers which at the moment it doesn’t look like. we have the option to DECLINE the match. This must be done BEFORE accepting the match, and will only result in a one position drop, ie we will be ranked 2nd. however if we accept and forfeit or lose, we automatically swap with Ethereal

I am with Shad,s No

I am with Shad,s No Ref/Admin no play seen to much hacking by this side in the servers not to mention the abuse you get when you play.
Just refuse to play them

Fuzz's picture

Actually someone asked you - twice

I actually asked you twice – once on your work email, once in IRC yesterday afternoon. You didn’t respond to either. (Happy to provide logs and emails if it comes to that… again.. sigh). And I“m sure there will be some plausible excuse for you’re ignoring that, but I’m not exactly fussed about that. The two founders that did give an answer said no to GA ref. Given the deadline was fast approaching – I told n0mad that the two founders that responded were against a GA ref.

So if you’re looking for a majority of founders for your decision n0mad – it’s currently 2 to 1 after what appears to be Shad’s vote above (nothing from Kazashi yet). Given several of the founders aren’t available for this one, as discussed before I’m still fine with you (n0mad) making the call yourself given you’re the captain. If you do though, think carefully about what you decide.

chipper's picture

I have never seen anyone from E hack

I have never seen anyone from Clan Ethereal hack and I’ve played with most of their guys a fair bit in both pubs and scrims. This is a really serious allegation to be levelling at anyone and to be frank, with out proof, it is not reasonable to be stating it in public.

Guys please don’t bag a whole team just because there are issues with one player.

Fuzz's picture

Again completely agree, and

Again completely agree, and hence my stance on not requiring a ref. There’s no justification for it.

My suggestion is still demo the match as we should be doing for all matches for the purposes of learning anyway.

Just because some of us have had an issue with one of the members (me included) doesn’t mean they hack.

Sha8doW's picture

well considering

well considering both of the founders who voted ARE NOT PLAYING…. i kinda consider it a moot point.

Sha8doW's picture


so where does it say that they Hack?

im saying i have been abused by multipul players on that team. hence i want a ref.
it works both ways, it stops them, its stops us retaliating.

and on a bigger note, can we hear from people who are actually in a position to play…..?

ltmon's picture

My suggestion

Accept with Thursday: it seems we should have at least 4 confirmed for that and should be able to ring in 2 more from our roster by then. If we have to forfeit on the night then it’s better than forfeiting now.

Ref is not needed, just demoing and a thick skin (or even better, the “mute” control).

chipper's picture

shad the answer you seek

shad the answer you seek lies n the post above the one I replied to.

happy to butt out here and distance myself from this. the 2 comments provided thus far are intended to prevent breaches of 28.

Fuzz's picture

n0mad’s the captain. He

n0mad’s the captain. He asked me to ask the founders what they thought and he would get a ref or not based on the responses. I thank him for having the decency to think to ask the founders as he knew asking for a ref will reflect very poorly on our team. I asked you all – some replied some didn’t. n0mad’s the one bothering to organise this match, how he decides whether to ask for a ref or not is up to him.

Fuzz's picture

we need a ref to stop us

we need a ref to stop us retaliating? that’s poor.

Fuzz's picture


Given some of what is being said on this thread, I have changed the viewing permissions to this challenge to allow only founders, members and honoraries to view. This stops morons from being able to view these posts, but there is a VERY simple way of seeing everything that is being written here (known issue on the to do list) so it will not actually stop anyone with half a brain from seeing this.

I am stating what i have

I am stating what i have observed in severs that they have been in and played against them. As for blaming the whole clan for hacking for the 3 or 4 that may be it is up to there players to pull them into line if they do not want to be tarnished with the same brush.
And if you guys wish to stick your heads in the sand so be it but i will refuse to play this team at any time.

Sha8doW's picture

im refering to my origninal post...

Zoomer is entitled to his opinion, but im refering to my orignal post to which stems the reasons for me wanting a ref

um yer lol

ill be there what ever time or date,and for what some are saying what“s what i saw the first time i played i saw one flying and skimming across the water lol but did not know about F12 but that doesn“t mean they all do i dont say anything to any one or talk about it online. and this is the last time ill say anything about it. all is forgoten about a soldier and we do as im told lol and go behind enemy lines under cover to get the job done.thanks for reading hope this is alright what i have said and have not stepped on any toes.

HarassmentPanda's picture


I think we all have the premise and understanding of self control. The reality is we are who we are and if it means we swear, we swear. Don’t make it a premise that your decisions are based on the presence of some one who can enforce the rules, it implies we wouldn’t respect the rules otherwise – might as well condemn us now if thats the case. I think we should always strive to rise above, in such situations. As some one has already mentioned you can turn off the VOIP if its an issue and all the text can easily be logged.

Honestly I don’t quite understand the whole need for a Ref but I respect your individual decisions. For the rest of the team who haven’t had an opportunity to respond, think about it as we always should – it’s just a (fun) game; lets try and keep it in perspective.

Sha8doW's picture



Sha8doW's picture

Looks like ya in trouble...

with Holdens05 resignation…. it looks like we are in some player trouble
I think its a bit rough to be expecting luckless to play given his circumstances…
so I hope Kazozza can commit

Fuzz's picture

n0mad already said yesterday

n0mad already said yesterday he wasn’t expecting luckless to play. So a forfeit is looking more likely as people drop out after committing, and others refuse to play if they don’t get their way.

It’s a shame, but I won’t lose sleep over their actions.

I will happily play if no

I will happily play if no one else can, my friend I am sure can entertain himself (we have beer ffs) for an hour or so.
If we have the numbers then I would prefer to sit it out but if we dont I am in like flin.

In regards to hacks or poor sportsmanship.
The only negative experience I have had with E was when one of them somehow took the data brain earlier in the map then was supposed to be possible.
When several of us called foul they informed us that it was an exploit (by using disguise) and not a hack and was apparently possible in RTCW ET, which I never played.
They didnt seem capable of actualy doing anything anything once they got it though, they might have just been showing off.
They seem to me to have some good players, I cant seem them needing to cheat in a ladder game.
However, we ‘need’ some practice. We should really organise a scrim with tW or another good clan.
If they would allow it IMO the best thing would be to mix the teams, half of tW with half of us. That way we can pick up a little of how they play and they can offer us advice. When we just play us vs them its very hard to assess exactly what they are doing, pinge seems like a good guy and he ‘might’ go for this.

Either way, I am in if needed.

Fuzz's picture

Good luck tonight

Good luck tonight guys. I’m still going to try and get home on time, but it’s not likely with work this week. If I don’t get to see you all tonight, hope it all goes well.

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