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Revision of DunkIt #1 from Thu, 14/03/2013 - 11:29

PerfectSanga's picture
17/03/2013 19:30
Challenge Details
NBA 2K13
Challenge Type: 
Not yet entered

Why not come have a good old game of NBA2K? It’s always beautiful! We’ll all team up on the Internets and show em who’s boss!? Come along! It’ll be great!

Team IPX Attending Yes/No Comment
Sanga Yes Jamal Crawford!! Be shooting some 3 pointers!(NO CHARGING FOULS FUZZ!)
Fuzz Yes Alonzo Gee!!!
Shad Yes Carmelo Anthony
Akenn23 Maybe By proxy
Mango NBA is boring By proxy
- - -
- - -
- - -


Sha8doW's picture

Bah, bring the Knicks!

Maybe we could publicly advertise this on steam and maybe get a 5v5 situation?
We’d easily have 6!

Count me in any night excluding this comming Thursday night! (13/3/13)

Sha8doW's picture


D*own *U*nder *N*ba2*K *T*eam *I*px *T*ournement!

Dammit, too hard from IPhone…
I’ll fix it in the AM

Fuzz's picture

Time: Start: 17/03/2013 19:30

Also.. I approve of the modified name! And the steam advertising. We’ll fill the hosue almost with IPXers… but a girl advertising on steam. We could have 5 games going at once lol

Fuzz's picture

don't edit

other peoples attendance post. Let’s make sure it’s not there by the end of the day Akenn.

Who edits someone elses post… but doesn’t even fill their own name in. Not very IPX.

Robag's picture

how the hell

do i get my password reset for NBK2K13 ???????


Fuzz's picture

Oh god

Please tell me you don’t need it reset.

Akenn… run him through your experience. It wasn’t pleasant.

PerfectSanga's picture


Fuzz there seems to be a gay after your alonzo gee there? ah. who put that there? And also how can i advertise it on steam? i think we need a mumble explain session again?

Fuzz's picture


“Fuzz there seems to be a gay after your alonzo gee there? ah. who put that there?”


“also how can i advertise it on steam? i think we need a mumble explain session again?”

There are groups you can join on steam. All I can think of is join the group, then start messaging the people in there. Not sure if there’s a forum that would really get the message out quickly. Right now we have 7 spots to fill (I’m counting Shad as in, he just couldn’t update the page from his phone)

Fuzz's picture


i just got Kobe fouled out in an online game. 6 charging fouls. the guy playing as the Lakers was pissed

Sha8doW's picture


Great art there Sanga! Tweet that to @kingjames

Fuzz's picture

Best Dunkit Ever


  • Dream Team (Akenn / Fuzz) vs Team USA (Sanga / Shad)
  • Michael Jordan (Fuzz) filling up the stat sheet
  • LeBron James (Shad) getting scored on left right and centre by Charles Barkley …
  • Because he left Barkley open to harrass MJ
  • It all paid off in the end when James got an epic block on MJ
  • Patrick Ewing (Akenn) doing some good work in the post
  • Kobe Bryant (Sanga) scoring left right and centre because MJ (Fuzz) left him open to harrass LeBron (Shad)
  • MJ almost getting fouled out – he had 4 fouls at the beginning of the 3rd
  • The game finished Dream Team winners by 3

Good game by all. Looking forward to the next one.

Sha8doW's picture

Lebron James

You forgot to mention that Lebron was shut down by the entire team
5 on 1 at one point!
I was shut down!

(and everything falls for MJ)

Fuzz's picture

Ah yes

That’s very true. Fuzz and Akenn toook it upon themselves to defend Shad, along with the AI. Occasionally I’d push the double team button which would bring along the last remaining AI player… so when he said it was 5 on 1 – he’s not exaggerating.

Getting 8 points in that kind of situation is pretty impressive if you ask me.

Oh and MJ’s alley oops to himself from a standing start were entertaining

Sha8doW's picture

It's a double dunk

Oh the embarrassing leave MJ and the lane open mistake!
The one time I actually guarded Barkley (I think I was in the air attempting a block) and with Sanga caught out of position, fuzz takes the oppitunity to alley oop it to himself of the backboard!

Akenn did a pretty god job as the Center, which in my opinion is probably the hardest position to play as in team up.
Rebounding is nerfed

As much as i hate to say it, I blame melo for missing all bar 1 3pointer and me missing every 3 ball I jacked up!

Fuzz's picture



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