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Revision of Enemy Territory Wolfenstein from Sun, 12/05/2013 - 21:01

Somtin's picture
01/06/2013 19:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Custom Maps
Team IPX
Not Applicable

Alright, the last Enemy Territory event was such a success and I had so much fun, I’m making another one, but this time, we’ll be playing campaigns from the two map packs which can be found here:

So without further ado, the table, please sign up everyone, and invite your friends! :)

Name Attending Yes/No Comment
Somtin Yes Custom maps guyysss! :D
Akenn23 Yes The first one was a great success!
Fuzz Yes Love the custom maps.
Dourger14 Yes Salamander!!
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Somtin's picture

New campaigns made!

So, I’ve made a vanilla campaign and also a custom maps campaign.
The vanilla campaign has all 6 standard maps in it, instead of the 3 split into 2 campaigns.
The custom maps campaign has 10 completely different maps in it, which are all in the two map packs given above in the details of the challenge.

Unfortunately, these files must be put in a .pk3 and therefore everyone must have them.
Two options:
1: Robag/Fuzz/whoever downloads my .pk3 file and puts it on the server and turns sv_pure off. Shouldn’t be a problem since the server is password protected anyway.
2: Everyone has to download my .pk3 file. It’s tiny..

In either case, any suggestions on where a good place to upload it is?


Even with the same campaigns shuffling through last time it was really fun, so if it doesn’t work we could just play those again.

Somtin's picture

Negative Akenn!

Campaign made up! :D
I tested it on my own server and it works good. Dan can connect to it as well without downloading the campaign files.

Good to go! Just need to put it on the ipx server. I’ll sort that out with the BoD.

Fuzz's picture


Awesome I’m in. Can sort out getting the maps onto the server.

Request… 2 custom maps I’ve played before that are awesome and a must for any custom maps night.;47065

Somtin's picture


There is a limit of 10 custom maps to a campaign and I’ve already made up a mix of maps. I’ll find another lot of custom maps to play for the next time we play customs.. ;) There are some I want to play as well such as helms deep and warbell.. I only wanted to include maps in those two map packs for this one. Maybe I’ll make another map pack for the next one. I’ll include those two maps when I do that. :)

Check your PM’s Fuzz. Or come on IRC or whatever.. :p

ED209's picture


Everything I know about the German language, I learned from this game. Count me in.

Somtin's picture

Sehr Gut!

Jawohl! See you there. :)

Microman's picture

Pass the puck

Fuzz, is the ‘pass the puck’ map in here? I remember you guys showing me that play so long ago…

Fuzz's picture


That’s river2redux. Will need to be in the next custom.maps campaign as there’s already ten in somtins campaign. I’m amazed there’s so many good custom there are.

Heh I remember shad and I showing u guys lol. It’s a good play isn’t it. That’s where the saying u can kill an ipx but you will never outsmart one came from. We were getting smashed on the kd count by such better team, but we owned them with that play finishing in 3 or 4 mins.

Somtin's picture

Custom Map Rotation:

The custom map rotation being used is as follows:

linuxslacker's picture

count me in

another wolf:ET event already AWESOME! feel free to add me

cant wait for baserace used to play that alot in the last few months of wolf:ET(i think it was the beta 3a version. theres a 3b now i think)

Somtin's picture


Yeah I’m super tempted to make a baserace tourny or something. I think that would be a lot of fun. :) 3v3 or 4v4, four teams, best of 3… Maybe later on once people start getting the hang of the game and after we play a bit more of it.
It’s definitely up there on my favourite list.

Somtin's picture

Map Packs and Campaigns are live!

That’s right folks!
Go down to and have a few games on the custom maps. At the moment, the server is only running baserace, but if you would like the custom maps rotation put on, just let me know and I can jump in game and swap that over for ya.

timboNZ's picture

Love to join in… BUT after

Love to join in… BUT after being kicked and didn’t know the password and not getting back on I don’t know how much gaming I’d get in…

Somtin's picture


Sorry about that Timbo. The server got compromised. :(

We sorted that out though and got some good games in. A shame you couldn’t join us. :(

I’m assuming you can’t see the password at the top of my challenge.. I guess only members can see it. I’ll PM it to you.

chipper's picture

Prize pack

If playing et wasn’t reward enough there will also be a steam issued IPX prize pack up for grabs on the night.

I hope as many show for this event as the last one.

Somtin's picture


Whoa really?

Cheers for that chipper, hope to see you on the night.

Sha8doW's picture

its buttsex right?

the prize… its buttsex right?
with a gag ball?


I gotta check with the misses, but should be ok!

chipper's picture


not everyone finds pleasure the same way you do shad… and even if it is OK with your mrs the answer will always be no!

Somtin's picture


Go here:

Follow the instructions to install a global id on your enemy territory install. If you do not do this, you will not get xp save!

Fuzz's picture

10 Years Old

ET is 10 years old this week! Nice timing Somtin.

chipper's picture

10 years of gold

best objective based multiplayer ever.

Robag's picture

the server is

up do not for get to connect early to download the maps you need


Fuzz's picture


I jumped on a minute ago – it took me about 5 minutes to cycle through all the maps and force it to download them all for me. Very painless if you’re early like Ro said.

Sha8doW's picture


good thing I checked… I thought i had ET:W installed and all.
but just went to play and NOPE! so i’ve just done a mad rush DL/install/Patch/pk3Mappack update…

I hope I got it rite!

linuxslacker's picture

all ready

thanks for reminding me to get the custom maps :) i guess i should get a qkey too :)

Tripsicle98's picture

Thanks for a Awesome night Somtin,

Once again well organised.

Somtin's picture


Perhaps not as great as the last one, but it was funny watching everyone run around in the wrong direction… ;)

Thanks everyone for turning up!

We’ll boil down the custom maps to the more popular/easy ones and include some of the standard maps in the rotation as well. It seems 10 maps worked quite nicely. Wasn’t too much but wasn’t too little.

Until next time!

Don’t forget to sign up for Tremulous next weekend! (:

Fuzz's picture


I had a great time. Custom maps are always fun. First run through can be tough. We’ve got through that though. We’ll learn them. Agreed its probably worth picking some of the easier ones out of the list… But I’m always up for a game like tonight where we go through a bunch of maps to decide which ones we like to keep in our long term rotation.

Good work again with the organizing. It was a great turn out!

linuxslacker's picture

Great Night

very fun as always.

Sha8doW's picture

we so need to

It was a great night, even with all the AFK disruptions i kept having. but we need to get Tramfightbeta, RiverRedux2 and Decoder going next time.

Somtin's picture


Helms deep will be in the next one… :D

chipper's picture

prizes issued

The following are non-merit based arbitrarily assigned prizes from the last et night:

linuxslacker winner of the Humble Indie Bundle 8! see pm for linky
Shad winner Pay Day 2! via steam
Somtin winner Chivalry: Medieval Warfare! via steam
Dourger14 winner Pay Day 2! add me to your list so i can gift it to you

Somtin's picture


But uhh Shad gifted me Chivalry already about a week ago … (: Just haven’t used it yet..

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