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Revision of It's that time again Steam Sale Time from Sat, 13/07/2013 - 10:18

Robag's picture

Come get some

You know where to go peeps Steam

hmmm Chivalry




chipper's picture


if anyone sees the new dead island come up give me a yell or grab a 4 pack!

chipper's picture


looks like it deadisland riptide is already on special the Dead Island Franchise Pack seems to be the best deal but no 4packs

n0mad's picture

s0 Many

s0 Many ch0ices s0 Little time………


Well n0w ive purchased my must haves 0n special I sit here waiting f0r them t0 D0wnl0ad;

T0p 3 Things t0d0 While waiting f0R ya games t0 D0wnl0ad;

3) Build IKEA furniture – Amazing h0w l0ng things take t0 Build
2) Fire up an0ther pc/Tablet and play sum games
1) Dont watch the d0wl0ads they take l0nger g0 Check0ut this site


Somtin's picture



chipper's picture


What did you get n0mad?

n0mad's picture

n0 Games

@Somtin – Yer JC2 Is an awsum 0pen w0rld game
n0mad JC2 Rec0mmend
n0mad JC2 FP M0d

Talking 0pen w0rld this is awsum, a laugh a sec0und SR3

@Chipper – I finally g0t the new t0mb raider, Mini Motor Racing EVO because Shad said s0 And this awsum l00king 0ld sk00l ch0pper game Thunder W0Lves
And I Finally purchased Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition as I’d been wanting sum p0st app0clip gaming since I c0mpleted F03……

Van Helsing, DI Riptide and BL2 l00k awsum 2……


Sha8doW's picture


No interwebs! That’s not fair!
I can buy from mobile steam… But I can’t DL/install/play

Damn copper infrastructure!

Fuzz's picture

NBA 2K13 75% off

BUT!!! If you haven’t got it yet, I’d suggest against it. They turn the online off when the new version comes out – which is due out at the start of October.

Wait for that and get the new one. RRP for NBA is always pretty cheap anyway. (Rarely higher than $29)

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