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Revision of R.I.P ID software from Sat, 09/11/2013 - 20:56
ID software has been getting worse and worse past few years but this seems to be the end for Linux support for quake live(from what i read it never worked right on linux anyway) and probably the end for linux and Id software(all their linux devs are gone now even carmack has moved onto the occulus(his position is more cosmetic in ID now))
kinda weird they took Quake3 which was great and broke it and made quake live in the browser and now they are taking it out of the browser and dropping honestly the best feature of quake 3(cross platform support). atleast ioquake3 is still as awesome as ever and steam is doing wonderful things for linux(they just announced total war: rome 2 out on linux next year)
That really is a shame. You’re right they always did have a good history of support for Linux.
I’m hoping that other thing you’ve been mentioning will help Linux gaming in general. The steam box dealie.
Quake, Quake 3 & Quake Live served me well In the many years I held a high ranking…….
Quake Live dr0pped the ball many years ag0 When we all l0st 0ur rankings and yep It pissed me 0ff s0 Much that I v0wed never t0 Play QL again and actually never have since……
l00King back 0n the linux aspect 0f quake c0mpared t0 The likes 0f UT It has native supp0rt, daily parches and yep th0se were the days it was s0 S0lid 0n linux we even multitasked kn0wing 0ur game w0uld never crash even quake wars had better water effects in linux sh0wing that us nerds have it the best sticking with linux…….
s0 The little guy bec0mes The big head guy and we h0pe he crashes his red ferrari Wait a sec0und….
What happened t0 Cl0ud gaming ?
It always worked great for me on linux.
What the hell?
Astonishing that they are removing native linux support…
Can’t believe it.. :o
I can believe that.
id Software didn’t really take gaming on Linux seriously, this comes as no surprise.
They tried a “proper” CD release of Q3A, but there was a mix-up that resulted in it being delayed for so long that people bought the Windows version and downloaded the Linux binaries separately. That burnt them for a good long while.
They decided to try supporting QL natively, but had a whinge when their Linux userbase was so low. Probably nothing to do with the fact that it’s just a copy of one of the most widely distributed (and port-supported) Linux games around….
When TTimo left (who did the ports in his own time), there was nobody else who wanted to pick up the ball. id weren’t going to pay anyone for that job, especially with their attitudes as expressed above, and felt that Wine was “good enough” for RAGE and so on.
For me, losing QL won’t be a loss. When you have ports like ioquake3, why mourn?
and now carmak has fully left ID
and now there was 0
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