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Revision of civilization 5 now out for linux from Wed, 11/06/2014 - 20:17
done by aspyr media its a fully native port(as far as i can tell) runs well although it did not exit cleanly but that could have been because i played it for 10 hours straight :)
just finished a 10 hour session finished with a scientific victory then decided to play on and go for the rest :) the civilization series is one of the best games ever made so happy that its out for linux and its a decent port
also dont think i mentioned this but the witcher 2 was released a while ago but turned out to be a eON(closed source broken emulation layer like wine except way worse) was broken for me at launch but found a workaround( performance is playable but poor. was looking forward to it but once getting it was quite disappointed lucky i only wasted 4 bucks on it.
man i cannot
remember the last time i played a Civ game
the steam trailer looked ok.
I really enjoy civ4, had a play of civ 5 a little bit but couldn’t get into it. Maybe I’ll give it another shot but civ4 is definitely an awesome game.
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