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Revision of NBN ready for service! so close to no more mobile broadband from Tue, 02/06/2015 - 14:58

linuxslacker's picture

already got the ball rolling hopefully the NBN install doesn’t take too long(with luck should be done and dusted this month just gotta wait for the NBN to schedule when they can install the antenna and stuff)

will be good to start using the internet again and coming on mumble. when its finally installed will definitely have to organize some gaming events

screw you 8GB 4G you will not be missed welcome home 200GB NBN fixed wireless


Robag's picture

great news Slacker

I guess i need to get my butt into gear.
Time to Update the TEAMIPX FoF server

for some gun toting fragness….. :D


Fuzz's picture

Woo hoo!

Welcome back!!

n0mad's picture

Game 0n

Set a game and night and we’ll B there…


linuxslacker's picture

and the dream of real internet vanishes

haven’t gotten a call from NBN so i had to ring and chase it up and for some reason it went from build complete back to build started so its delayed…. atleast i got my order in wonder how long will it take now

so back to being annoyed at my internet. atleast i will eventually have a nice 25/5 unlike those FTTN suckers that will be capped to 12/1

chipper's picture

so cruel

man that’s just plain out mean. hopefully you won’t be waiting years!

Somtin's picture

Standard practice I think

Yeah my Auntie is having troubles with people saying “oh yeah we can hook you up” and then the old “oh wait actually”..

It seems IT can be an optimistic bunch of people at times.

But ouch, even 25/5 makes me cringe.. I’m on 200/200 at the mo

linuxslacker's picture

hope its not that long

doubt its years prob a week or 2

ill be ringing them up every week eventually they’ll give in and give me some info or fix whatever is wrong with the tower :) (you would think they would test it before switching to build complete) already done it twice didn’t get much other then its now “delayed”

gotta envy NZ’s version of the NBN ours could have been so much better but liberals

beavisbeaver's picture

There is more to come...

Im an NBN fixed wireless installer for my region. The standard service is 12/1. Soon we can get 50/20 but once things all settle down the technology is there to really open up (i have been told of potential speeds of 100Mbps+). One thing i can suggest is to keep on them as the service is based on a “first in best dressed” as each tower has a limit to the amount of connections available mostly to maintain a ‘average’ throughput. Most towers are around 250 households. If you miss out on a slot on the closest tower you could suffer from a less robust connection for neighboring tower. Keep contacting your service provider every 3 or 4 days so they keep on it especially since i see your area is extremely close to active. In some cases your fixed phone line is disconnected to your premises when you adopt the service with a VOIP line.

linuxslacker's picture

yeh toowoomba is my POI and

yeh toowoomba is my POI and its on the 25-50/5-20 trial so i think i should get it too when i finally get hooked up(if telstra is part of the trial) and theres no neighboring tower atleast not yet but i think there will be plenty of slots the whole area is min 5 acre blocks and i doubt there would be above 50pct uptake here(lots of old people dont see many sat dishes) wont stop me from ringing constantly though im keen on changing asap

speeds should be solid afaik everyone should get the full 25mbps in the service area(ofcourse your ISP might have issues etc speedtests i have seen has show it around 23 or so) so it should be able to do much better closer to the tower if ever uncapped(since like most services speed drops with signal)

as for phone ill still be on the copper its one of the reason why i stuck with telstra(might be the only reason(national calls add up) and would be a pain to change it all was hoping they would waive the early termination of the 4g but nope :( that’s like $250 down the drain but atleast ill have internet while its being installed that’s 1 advantage of 4g) their NBN plans is one of the most costly around though but that’s telstra

UPDATES: rang NBNCo directly yesterday apparently there’s no issue with the tower and there’s an issue with their DB so that’s fixed(they were very helpful quite surprising) and found out there’s nothing pending for this address so rang telstra to find they cancelled the order because it wasn’t serviceable atm and i will have to redo the order then got another call today from their “sales specialists” to reorder to be told the order isn’t cancelled and is still going through and is now showing as serviceable. crazy :( atleast it seems im back to where i was before(i hope! if not screw how much it costs me(damn 24M contracts) to cancel everything ill be changing isps)

so now back to waiting for nbnco to ring to book in to do their side(telstra says nbn installation part can take up to 4-6 weeks). so much hassle hopefully its smooth sailing from here on out already been 2 weeks

Robag's picture

owwww so close now

you can almost lick the antenna :)
hope all goes well Slacker


chipper's picture


Slacker your posts pretty much some up every interaction I’ve ever had with telstra. I can’t ever recall have purchased a product off them that went the way it was planned and didn’t involve engaging a case manager to resolve the faults.

linuxslacker's picture

round and round

rang NBN today and checked if they have anything yet and still nothing so rang telstra and told them it still hasnt happened and i gave them 1 day to fix it. tomorrow ill be ringing NBNco again to check and if they still have nothing in their database then ill be ringing telstra one last time to tell them where they can shove their plans and service.

next call will be to skymesh(from what i see lurking on whirlpool they seem to be pretty good). 22 days sofar for telstra and they still havent sent the order to nbn will be interesting to compare it to skymesh/whatever i decide to go through by tomorrow

even though ill be back to square 1 since i never left square 1 with telstra it shouldn’t delay things much

linuxslacker's picture

skymesh 1 telstra 0

rang nbn today again still nothing then canceled with telstra(2 times sofar after i cancelled got another call to cancel. wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a 3rd coming). ordered with skymesh around 9:30 already been processed and at 1:30 when i was checking for eggs they rang my mobile and booked in an appointment for july 7th so what took telstra 23 days and they still didnt finish skymesh did in only 4 hours so far so good and didn’t even need to check up with nbnco once(was going to do it on monday but don’t need to now yay)

things could still go wrong but now theres no telstra im expecting no more issues

linuxslacker's picture

[insert happy dance]

all connected got an earlier installation and few hours later NBN(also can surf IPv6 :) ).

n0mad's picture


Be interested t0 C if peak times it will sl0w d0wn but I think that’s al0ng way d0wn the track…

Enj0y 4k vids

I’m 10-15 years away fr0m nbn……

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