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Revision of Borderlands 2 Co-op campaign from Fri, 24/07/2015 - 21:41

ltmon's picture
01/08/2015 08:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Butt Stallion
I'm gonna make you my meat bicycle!
Not Applicable

Here’s the deal: We do 4-player co-op BL2 every Saturday morning until we complete all missions, add-on campaigns and max out our characters. Or just until we get bored, whichever is first.

Starting Saturday 1 August, 8:00am (assuming n0mad has a computer by then). Play until 10am, or later if everyone is still available.

Whoever has the best connection/computer combo will host.

You don’t have to make every session, but probably making most would be useful. If you miss a session you’ll need to level up your character separately to catch up.

Already interested: ltmon, n0mad, chipper

Confirm your interest, and if you want to be the fourth player let us know. If there are more than 4… well probably try play anyway because it’s unlikely everyone will make it for all sessions.

Name Playing? Character
ltmon Yes Mechromancer
n0mad ?
Chipper ?
linuxslacker ?
Robag ?


linuxslacker's picture

sounds fun

almost 100pct bl2 just got a few challenges and a few co-op things to do and the last boss monster. got a level 50+ guy and a few others at random levels

are we starting from stratch or just using existing chars?

could also do BL:TPS after BL2 too? if everyone’s not Borderlands out that is

ltmon's picture

From scratch

Co-op is better when you’re at similar levels. Chipper and n0mad are just starting out.

Robag's picture

sounds good

morning LT
are you playing the base game, with out the DLC’s


ltmon's picture


We’ll start with the base campaign, but I’m keen to play a DLC character. I don’t think that means everyone else needs the DLC.

We can move on to DLC campaigns afterwards if people are keen

Robag's picture

ok cool

i have the game of the year edition anyway
so it includes the DLC’s


Sha8doW's picture

Dont have the game

Sorry cant play, dont have the game…
Have fun fellas

ltmon's picture

The black guy?

I think he was playable in BL1 — sorry Robag, no racially diverse options in BL2 :)

Robag's picture

@the black guy

well you are right LT no Black Guy
but i can make do :p


linuxslacker's picture

btw ill be missing the 1st one

btw ill be missing the one on the 1st will have people up. since im far away they often make a weekend of it normally its the 1st saturday of the month since its when the markets are on just tell us where you got up to and ill catch up

ltmon's picture

No worries

We’ll let you know roughly where we get too …

Still waiting for n0mad or Chipper to confirm cough

n0mad's picture

I'm signed up

Hey new PC will be ready and let’s get it 0n….


eldemeer's picture

If I had it I'd be all over it

I’ve got 1 and presequal but not 2, would have been a mad sniper if I did

Robag's picture

How many Peeps

are playing on Saturday

i can play for the first hour, i have a open house to clean up for :(


ltmon's picture

Looks like you, me and n0mad

Will try Chipper also.

Drop out when you have to mate.

n0mad's picture


it’s g0ing chep chep


Sha8doW's picture

Id rather

Burn my money!

Sha8doW's picture


GTA V is cheaper people!

n0mad's picture


Still n0t under $50.00 then I’m in…
Might get Rust, Fuzz is telling me it’s addictive
Ark l00ks awsum

Anyway cya in GTA V when the game price dr0ps…


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