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Revision of TAP vs IPX - ETQW GA Ladder - S02G04 from Tue, 06/07/2010 - 15:38

chipper's picture
13/07/2008 20:00
13/07/2008 20:00

Who: The Angry Penguins
Date & Time: Sunday 13 July at 8:00pm
Map: Salvage
Organiser: chipper
Captain: Blood or HP
Password: Check your in game ETQW IM for details.
Referee Requested: No
Challenge accepted if you want to play add your name and a roster will be picked by the captain.
Result: IPX 2, TAP 0.


Team IPX Sunday 8:00pm Monday 9:00pm Tuesday 7:00pm Preferred map Comment
chipper doubtful yes doubtful meh see comment below
Robag Yes Yes Yes Refinery now where did i put the nade :)
CombatChuck Maybe Yes No Salvage – (because we practiced it recently) -
n0mad Yes n0 Yes Salvage I Eat Penguins – See clause below
Bloodstorm Yes Maybe Yes All of the above Wot Clause
ltmon Yes Yes Yes Salvage Looking good for all these days
Fuzz Yes No Yes Salvage -
Hashy NO!! !!!! !!!! Salvage! PROMODCRASHEDFANTASTIC!!!
HarassmentPanda Yes Doubtful Yes Salvage If any one wants to accept early, go for Sunday.
Johnny Yes No No Salvage Only able on Sunday :D
Haklin Maybe Yes No Dont mind I’m still alive!
Shad No No Yeah NA None


n0mad's picture

Got ya Blood

The clause is in Black and White


Sha8doW's picture


sorry i didn’t respond chip. (I’m not avail for anything else but the Tuesday game anyway)

GL team!

chipper's picture


something came up and i’m not sure i’ll be back in time for the game tonight. if i don’t make it back good luck and apologies.

Good luck guys, take it too

Good luck guys, take it too them hard and watch out for Parabol :D

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