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Revision of zero-punctuation from Fri, 18/07/2008 - 20:24

HarassmentPanda's picture

You may already have head of this / watch this & if so, why haven’t you posted about it before?

For those of you who are unaware, zero-punctuation is a game reviewer from The Escapist, a gaming magazine. He is a self righteous, egotistical game reviewer who apparently doesn’t care about others opinions when it comes to his reviews, perhaps this is why I love them so much. I’ve always seen the hint of comedy in game reviews but never really seen it pulled off until watching this. Think game review in Atomic (the ‘hint’ of comedy) + Red Dwarf & then a large mention of personal body parts with a focus on appendages. I’ve found his reviews humorous, thought provoking and worth watching.



Sha8doW's picture


Yatzee is old news… where have you peoples been?

under rocks / Marz?

Fuzz's picture

Yahtzee rules

Been watching these for a while. His reviews are hilarious. Well worth watching more than once, you’ll always pick up on something else the second time.

Sha8doW's picture

i find

I find the 1st run is a listen and a watch… the second is a “read the small detail scribbles” and listen for the innate ramblings…
I find his personal website shit tho… “fullyrambolic” or whatever it is…

chipper's picture

did he do one fore etqw?

did he do one fore etqw?

i saw the one he did for crysis, loved it! his approach suits my cynical rambling sense of humour.

Sha8doW's picture


No quakewars

dont ask him either… he hates games that he gets “requested” to review more then a game he chooses

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