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Revision of The return of Res. from Sun, 20/07/2008 - 22:19

First up hi everyone, I dearly hope things have been good and everyone and their
families are healthy and happy. I have been working nights since most likely the
last time any of you saw me (yes I have felt guilty for not messaging). I have
hardly touched the computer in six months (maybe more I can’t remember). I am
having a quiet period at work, so I decided to play a little. It didn’t take long for the
single player games to bore me silly so I sat down and a good look at what was
available in the MMO genre. Well EVE Online has always caught my eye, but never
enough to give it a go. I remember reading a review for it not long ago and was
quite impressed with the game mechanics regarding skill training and crafting. The
graphics is very nice for a game made in 93. Their is a optional update to premium
graphics which will utilize all the DirectX 9 features. Sadly I have tried to download
the Classic to Premium update twice now only to have a CRC error. I have asked in
game and in the forum and it seems the bug only happens to a very few people. I
have a made sending me a copy from the US. The best part is EVE Online can be
played on PC, MAC and Linux machines. The client is a free download and every
new account is given 14 days free to see if they enjoy the game. If you stick around
the monthly fee is 15 dollars (except for the very first one-off payment of 20 dollars
to open the full account and connect the player to voice etc). I remember the last
time I had a chance to come here and look through the forums we were all trying
to brain storm an alternate game to play together other than Quake Wars.
If anyone is interested please comment below, I would love to see you all again
especially in EVE. You have the option to create a corp and all that stuff. So much
info no where near enough time to explain.

It is great to be back fellas. Looking forward to chatting soon.



chipper's picture

welcome back

Hey Res, welcome back! good to see your still around. drop into irc sometime as it gets used a lot nowdays.

EVE you say eh…

Hello Res!

Welcome back, enjoy your stay. :D
Nice to meet you, my name is Johnny.

Warm welcome

Thank you both for the welcome, it gave me a smile. I missed you guys.
Nice to meet you Johnny. And yup EVE, I am hooked, I love it. It isn’t
one of those games where you throw your life away to play it, and the
player base is quite mature. After a poll the median player age was 26.
Though as always there are many fucktards (and I only say many because
there are on average 30’000 players on at all times, so many would only
equate to a small fraction of the players). I myself have been invited into a
corp and have been having a blast. Loads of time to chat with friends, even
when incombat. the client comes with it’s won voice over ip so once we get some
skills and nice ships under our belt we could coordinate a strike on gate
campers and Gankers etc. Please put some thought into it as I don’t think
I will be leaving EVE, I am having too much fun, but would really like to
share it with you guys. LOL you all still like family.

I would like to apologize once again for not getting back in contact sooner.

Resident Evil

Ah Well.

15 bucks a month :P
We’re not that rich, hehe.

n0mad's picture

Hey Res

Hey Res,
Good to C ya round again.
What about Padman ?
Do you think you might get time to install Padman and join us for a game ?
Padman is Free and it is a great change from ET:QW….

I’ll checkout EVE but the $15.00 a month would count me out but happy to look into it :)

Good to C ya again Res………

Is it the Second Genesis Version ?

Hashy's picture

Good too see ya drop back

Good too see ya drop back around Res,

Peace dude =)

Sha8doW's picture



ETQW really did make you gouge your eyes out and put a battery drill to ya head!

hehe just kidding, hey if you liek it go for it…

dont forget to wave the IPX flag as you got tho!

good to c u, its been a while, youve always got valuable input!

Sha8doW's picture

wait wait wait?

fees? 15dollars a month?

i dunno about that

Yes Shad.

Yes Shad. Your wife would kill you if she found out about that. Tsk, tsktsk. Heehee.

A little more info.

nOmad : “Is it the Second Genesis Version ?”

Yes, EVE had been updated countless times. I believe we are now up to the third
expansion. Unlike other MMO’s you are not required to purchase the new expansions
for EVE. They will be available via direct download or torrent to the community as
soon as the primary cluster “Tranquility” had been patched. I hope that answers your
question Nomad, at the moment we are up to the Empyrean Age.

As for some of the others I can fully understand that you don’t want to spend fifteen
dollars a month on a game, which is fair. But I used to play Face of Mankind. I did
one year in open beta and one year after public release. I was a faction leader for a
corporation called Eurocore, I have fond memory’s. The game had many bases
covered, it could be played in first or third person view, the graphics were quite pretty,
there were wars and hostile take overs by adversary corporations. Which all the ally
corporations military divisions would take up arms and gate to whichever outpost
needed to be defended (or captured), and lastly you could specialize in production, the
players in Face of Mankind literally controlled the market, if a faction was at war and
they had suffered heavy losses if they didn’t have an ally producers the other factions
would turn up the prices to prevent them from restocking and re-arming. The same can
be said about EVE’s market and the faction combat. I stopped playing Face of Mankind
because the cluster was based in Germany and the latency prevented mefrom helping
my fellow brothers defend our territory. I was also a trainer, diplomat and a member
of the board of trustees, but the fact that I couldn’t fight if I wanted to was giving me
the shits so I left. I do regret leaving ever now and again, there were some great
people but there were some total fuck-tards as well.
Face of Mankind was fifteen pounds per month at the time I was playing which is thirty
dollars and seventy cents in Australian currency. So EVE is cheap.
Oh, I did mention that it works on mac and linux. CCP have are devoted to distributing
EVE to all of the desktop consumers

To be fair wouldn’t the fourteen day free trial be worth a look, no?

Sha8doW's picture

johnny it scares me

it scares me you know my wife so well!

are they all the same?

HarassmentPanda's picture


No offense intended, it’s just that this sounds like the plea of an addict. “Go on, try the crack, this one’s free, it will only make you feel good”. I’ll pass but thanks for the offer ;-)


Like World of Warcraft?

The new term for it HP is

The new term for it HP is ‘digitalised crack’ :)

Sha8doW's picture

ill give it a go

im gunna go out there on a limb and say ill give it a go.
Shads not afraid to try crack… shad doesn’t believe in addictions.

here is the catch…
Is the 14 day trial a free DL? if its not im not playing
After 14 days… dont expect me to keep playing, but ill go in there and Zen it up in the name of IPX.
if there is any type of ‘role play’ im up and leaving then and there… Dice suck, and digitalized dice physics is gayer then Big Gay Al!

(Hey i downloaded WIC… it cant be any worse)

ok, so if anyone else is interested in doing a 14 day, IPX blitz on eve in support of Res. Let me know, we will Co-ord our signups/DL’s and starts so we are all online together.
LOL, lets get 10 Noobs in and we will just start going around beating up individuals…. God, it sounds just like high school!

(Hey maybe I should write a paper on why MMO’s are the cause for an increase in school bullies)

LOL or even better, just chase people in game telling them… “BUT WE ONLY WANT TO CUDDLE!”

anyway, like i said, if anyone else is interested in a 14 day free game, and can garentee they wont get addicted. let me know

free trial.

Download is free for the 14 day trial.
Its good ive been playing it on and off for about 6 months.

Sha8doW's picture

ok so that will be 3

ok so that will be 3 of us for a 14 day… Cop that in the face EvE Blitz… then we ninja vanish

anyone else?

Sha8doW's picture

thats 4

Kazashi is down

Res, Blood, Shad and Kazashi! come on, 2 more atleast!

Fuzz's picture

But but but…. it’s an

But but but…. it’s an MMO

That’s as far as I got b4 ruling it out (monthly fee or not).

Sorry Res. If Shad likes it, my interest might increase (he likes MMO’s less than me)

Sha8doW's picture


ok so its Downloaded….
(the more i read about this the sheetier it sounds)
but im willing to give it a ago… i havent “logged On” yet as i assume we want to be of the same ninja clan or startrek race…
so beam me up scotty and tell me what ive gotta do…
you dont have long to impress me!

chipper's picture

mmm… think i’ll hang

mmm… think i’ll hang out for rtcw 2 as my next game… unless of course you 4 have some kind of religious experience in there.

n0mad's picture

m00n waving

I’m out, after reading the reviews and reading alot about EVE the mining of minerals sounds boring
but the overall concept is interesting but I’m out, look forward to your IPX Game Review :)

0n a distant m00n waving

Sha8doW's picture


most useless game i have ever seen in my life res!
words cannot describe it…
1 hour of tutorials… then all you do is fly around (WHICH IS SHIT BORING) mine… then go and buy somthing…. which you realise you have NO WHERE NEAR ENOUGH money for…. so out you go and mine some more… same cycle!
OMG… id rather browse pajorno! at least there is a sense of fulfillment during the action, though like masturbation EVE has left me feeling Dirty and rather embarrassed.

Fuzz's picture

If Shad likes it, my

If Shad likes it, my interest might increase (he likes MMO’s less than me)

Thanks for screening this one for me :)

RPG’s, just not my thing.


mining is boring thats why ya do missions instead


Sounds like runescape.

Maybe I should have checked in earlier.

Had I have seen your reply I would have told you to add “Valfien”
to your buddie list and I would have taken on a hunting trip with a
heap of others. If your man enough to anti up again create a Gallente
and give me a yell. Blood is also in game somewhere, he would be
able to help you out. Couple things, 1 Don’t mine for cash it would
be like beating off with a cheese grater and 2 don’t fly solo of course
it will be shit boring thats just a no brainier. Also before my holiday
away from the computer I remember everyone wanting a game that
will play on both Windows and Linux, don’t be picky because there
aren’t many.

Don't get me wrong

EVE isn’t a game for everyone. I get a little tired of it sometimes as well.
But I go back because it can be fun. My whole thing is Padman isn’t my
kind of game, Quake Wars drove my insane with the fucktard community.
I’m still open to suggestion but whatever gets thrown in the air needs to
work on my computer, run on Linux and Windows, let us play as a team, faction
or corp, have a good player base and be affordable for everyone.

ltmon's picture

Linux games

I’m the one (along with n0mad) constantly whining about this ;)

I’ve avoided EVE mainly because I fairly sure I would get kinda sucked in and start putting way too much time into it. I like ET:QW because 20 mins later I can quit and not feel bad about it :)

ltmon's picture

Quake Wars community

Still many fucktards in attendance, although I would have to say less than there were.

But we know who to bother with and where to get a decent game with nice people these days and who to avoid like the plague. Not too hard to build up a decent friends list and always be able to find a fun game with good people atm.

Quake Wars.

I gave it away. To a friend, but in all honesty I should have given it to someone I didn’t like.

Sha8doW's picture

Zero Punctuation: Eve Online

Yahtzee’s opinion…

And sorry res, but he is exactly right!

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