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Revision of Save the IPX QW Ladder Team from Wed, 07/01/2009 - 14:05

Fuzz's picture
08/01/2009 20:00
08/01/2009 21:00

We need you to help save the QW ladder team. Whether you’re committed to season 4 of the ladder or not, we need you to help us recruit some more players. Our best method of recruitment in the past has been getting into the pub servers, having a good time, and tapping others on the shoulder that look like they fit the IPX mould (can get defeated regularly, but always up for a good game)

Now is our chance to fix that. Thursday night, 8pm lets stack a pub server with as many as we can and just aim to have a good game. If we find anyone to recruit, all the better.

I expect everyone should respond to this. If anyone can help by PM’ing / emailing / IM’ing / any other method of getting in contact with people that may not reply in time it would be much appreciated. We need as bigger turn out as we can get… with a pool of 13 players we should be able to get a reasonable turn out for a one off.

Who: IPX pub stack
Organiser: Fuzz
Where: Meet in IRC, we’ll kickstart a server
When: Thursday, 8PM (see start date / end date)


Team IPX Yes / No
Kazashi -
Sha8doW Yes
Fuzz Yes
Kazozza Yes
HarrassmentPanda -
Ltmon Should be
Chipper -
n0mad -
Hashy -
Haklin -
ResidentEvil -
Bloodstorm -
CombatChuck -
Robag Yes Can i shoot some zombies :)
Volkam -


Fuzz's picture


See here for a background on this.

ltmon's picture

Nearly there

We had 7 of us on ET:QW just mucking around on Tuesday night, so I think we can now just about run a team. Even if you aren’t really planning on playing in the ladder please make sure you are enrolled in the GA ladder… you never know how you’ll feel on the day.

We might have to reject a few challenges, or play with 5, but having the option to play is there. Another one or two members would put the icing on the cake and mean we could avoid the forfeits and 5-plays.

Sha8doW's picture

I'm down.. Who else?

I’m down.. Who else?

Fuzz's picture


Strogg look enough like zombies for ya Robag?

Robag's picture


yes yes they do

pwnz ze pubz

i should be there like above,
mmm svalbards :P

n0mad's picture

I'm there

n0thing else t0d0 these H0lidays…..

Thanx for L4D game late last night guys

Sha8doW's picture

Who mentioned Svalbards?

Thats it… X (X=number yet to be decided, I am thinking 100) FREE SVALBARDS TO ALL THOSE WHO PLAY!

lil bit of extrinsic motivation

Sha8doW's picture

Come backs?

Res, hows about a come back for 1 night?

Kazashi, how bout you too… its been a while!

Haklin & Volkam hows bout it, where are you guys?

Kazozza you even read this? We should have all the founders supporting this team effort!

Johnny & Chuck… its been too long since you’ve shot me, the holes have almost mended. I think i need some tungsten alloy to boost my iron levels. How bout it?


:) come on gang, if nothing else lets do it for FUN!

Fuzz's picture


What are we trying to do? Devalue the currency! No svalbards for you!!


On second thoughts, I’ll relent on the Svalbards but not 100 each.

50 Svalbards for showing up. PLUS 10 svalbards X number of IPXers that show up.

So right now 9 say they’re turning up.. if they all turned up it would be 50+90 Svalbards to all attending.

And one more thing… 50 to anyone who recruits someone. Another 50 if they last past their probationary period (share it if multiple claim recruiting the same person)

Now that’s maths I can’t even do…

Fuzz's picture

if nothing else lets do it

if nothing else lets do it for FUN!

Exactly – worst case scenario we just have a fun game. Best case, we recruit enough for a team.

chipper's picture


mmm Svalbards you say

fuzz you now your math is going to cost you more in the long run :)

Fuzz's picture

only if enough show up :)

only if enough show up :)

if they do, it’s worth it

chipper's picture

we will see!

lack of daylight saving in this backward state makes ii tricky!

Sha8doW's picture

Jebus.... time for Shad Maths!

im gunna do some dodgy shad maths
i get 50 for showing up right…. (+50)
lets say there is a bout of “Mad Shad Shitting disease” (trust me you dont want it) and it wipes out 4 of our members and only 5 show… (+50)

Shad Zens some magic and we get 3 (and I only claim 1) new applicationary honorary members (+50)

shad then goes and brainwashes that member to commit and devote their life and their childrens lives to the benefit of IPX (+50)

I could potentially get 200+ svalbards! WOOOOOT. (I might need some help, so I better put on some William Wallace War Paint!)

chipper's picture

steak knives?

can i get a set of steak knives with that?

Fuzz's picture

b4 we started this svalbard

b4 we started this svalbard give away, I think you could buy steak knives with svalbards… The exchange rates taken a bit of a battering tonight, and I think the best you’ll get with them is a polar bear from Norway

Kazozza's picture

Argh! Maths!

Hey guys,
I’m in on the game tomorrow night, just keep the maths away from me!

I’m off to patch ETQW =p


chipper's picture


damn the GFC!

Fuzz's picture


Hope the GA servers are up to the pounding we’ll give em tomorrow. I havent been in a pub in a week or so – is anyone else seeing this –

There’s always the node servers, but they seem to perform significantly worse ping wise than GA (I’m on node… go figure)

Fuzz's picture

Possible recruits

Some suggestions of people to target for recruitment from an unnamed source:

Lythien (not sure – he might have meant Luthien??)

As active as bookz is, I don’t think our site could handle the essays he’d copy paste into every topic. I don’t know the others well enough to comment. Anyone else know the others? Or any other suggestions for that matter.

Fuzz's picture

Great Night

Thanks for a great night all. I hope something comes of it, but even if it doesn’t I had a lot of fun.

Svalbards have been distributed (140 each!), and with the poll back in majority for, a founders vote was conducted, and split evenly. So in the best interests of the team (hopefully) I’ll be posting on GA tomorrow morning.

Thanks again for the great game. Wish I was still on hols and could game well into the night with y’all.

n0mad's picture

In summary

I think we got the IPX message 0ut there and the GA p0st will t0p it 0ff Fuzz s0 we all l00k f0rward t0 ya p0st 0n the Ga f0rum….

ETQW is great when al0t 0f IPX gr0up t0gether and it is interesting to C witch teams the n0n Team players ch00se

I find that everyone wants GDF but Strogg d0 have in my 0pi0n the better arsenal yer it was s0me GGs……



Where svalbards?
u ripped me off again fuzzly?

on a serious note it was lots of fun. And the constant plugging of GO TO TEAMIPX.NET made me laugh

Fuzz's picture

twas the Svalbard eating bug

twas the Svalbard eating bug again….. roar… or something. All fixed :)

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