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Revision of Hockey Match Proposal from Thu, 08/01/2009 - 01:11

HarassmentPanda's picture
06/02/2009 23:00
07/02/2009 23:00

It’s been ages. I bought skates since last time and I haven’t used them; so if for no other reason than an opportunity for me to get in to my skates and use them once – it’s time for a game.

I’ve randomly picked a weekend that seems far enough away but I’m open to suggestions on dates/times and availability. Happy to do the ring round to find a challenging team as well but will need some contact details for people to follow up.

The after event with BBQ and Alcohol shall be @ my place, probably because its the closest to the new skatell but at least because I can’t offer some one elses house without asking. Also I owe beer from an annon. post a long time ago. But other forms of alcohol and soft drinks will be provided.

Family event these days, so wife and children invited. (Should keep each other busy – cross fingers)

Any questions / comments / stuff – post in here.


Sha8doW's picture

Lets check a date with bob (skatel)

lets check the availability of the IPX arena

i would

I would if u fools didnt live so far away

Hashy's picture

its ok storm, the other half

its ok storm, the other half of IPX live so far away too :D

HarassmentPanda's picture

Spoke to Bob Today

And checked out the new venue, it looks good.

Any way Bob suggested a Sunday Night, 7pm. Apparently they run a drop in hockey session every Sunday (Starting in Feb) where they make up the teams on the afternoon (I think that starts at 4:30) He suggested doing after that as all the gear would be out.


Sha8doW's picture

Id say

Id say for people travelling over 3 hours…. Sunday night is a bitch….

Sha8doW's picture

possible other venues maybe

What are other possible venues?

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