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Revision of IPX vs Di - First L4D game from Sat, 10/01/2009 - 19:54
11/01/2009 23:30
Ok first 0ff this isn’t a real die hard match just a quick game with Di to have fun….
Seriously wanted a 12:00am start but in sec0und th0ught maybe a bit l8te…..
anyway H0pefully we can fill a team of 4 if n0t n0 w0rries……
n0 table t0 fill in just been in IRC around 11:00pm – Sunday 11/01/09
time f0r sum z0mbie mashing
Im down
We need to prac being zombies…
and sticking together FFS (Hashy and Shad Glare at Robag and Nomad)
Who is playing from DI?
mmmmmmm brrrraaaaiiinnnsssssss
pick me pick me
i am in 2
“(Hashy and Shad Glare at Robag and Nomad)”
well what can i say i get lost easy lol
numbers n0t yet c0nfimed
Robag & n0mad stare bug eyed at Shad & Hashy…….
Robag runs around 1 side 0f the building and n0mad the 0ther
w00ps Hunter – um Help…………………
Um numbers haven’t been confirmed as yet Shad s0 maybe just us but lets h0pe Di can get it together…….
The pen is n0thing with0ut a sw0rd….
1 f0r Hashy
Sounds like fun
Sounds awsum but 11 ur time is a little later for me sorry
Will have to give this one a
Will have to give this one a miss, got work in the morning.
soz fellas.
Ive got guests staying all week (and we playing wii on the new 50cm Plasma (YAY))
will play laterz
mari0 Kart
If U want a mari0 Kart race give us a ring…………….
Yep Mari0 Kart 0nline is fun…
GG Guys....
Well what started 0ff t0 be a clan battle turned int0 the first IPX Versus Pub Match
4 – Survivors
4 – Zombies
Well f0r us playing the Zombies is hard, real hard and I think will take a l0t 0f practice…
Obviously as Survivors we kicked but and ran 0ur way t0 each safe r00m….
All in all a great night, thanX t0
Robag – First time he didn’t have t0 h0st a skype call :P ….
Hashy – First time he can say he t00k the red pill and it helped……
Sha8d0W – First time he was in a game sh0rter than 5 minutes….
Special thanX t0 Shipz f0r setting it up
and t0 all the players 0n the night – GG
Walks away with skid marks again :P
Good work
So who won or was it pretty even with both teams of zombies getting owned?
um n0 real winner
um n0 real winner just a great game t0 learn h0w t0 play as z0mbies and yes much m0re learning t0 be had…
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