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Revision of IPX vs ADA - GA Season 4 Match 1 from Tue, 20/01/2009 - 10:59

Sha8doW's picture
20/01/2009 20:00
20/01/2009 23:00

Teams: IPX vs ADA
Date & Times: Tueday 20/1/09 8:00pm
Map: Valley
Organiser: Sha8doW
Captain: Bloodstorm
Password: Check your GA email, or look in the IRC channel before the game
Referee Requested: No
Result: TBA

Game Day Starting Lines

Team IPX Position Captain Comment
Bloodstorm Starter -
n0mad Starter -
Fuzz Starter If you can make it
HarassmentPanda Starter -
Shad Starter -
Robag Starter -
Ltmon Sub 1st sub
Chipper Sub 2nd sub
Name Sub -


Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Availability Comment
Shad Y we need a captain, and suggest training on Sunday & Monday
Ltmon Y Not available for Monday time
Fuzz N Avail Tues (f*** I hate tables where you can put whatever you want in)
n0mad Y Avail all Dates, Would like Comlink (Drop Down Boxes are overrated)
Bloodstorm Y Mon or tues best for me. Happy to try my hand at capt if its valley but not other maps as i dont know them
Robag Y Happy 2 Sub
HarassmentPanda Y Now available Tuesday
Johnny N March (:
chipper Y should be around. happy to sub
Name Y Or N Comment
Name Y Or N Comment
Name Y Or N Comment
Name Y Or N Comment
Name Y Or N Comment


ltmon's picture


For those who are playing, is it possible to meet up an hour early to get some vague strats in place?

The rules have changed: 1 nade each, 4 mines for the team and no heavies. There might also be MCP changes (i.e. the MCP stage is skipped), so the strategies for Valley are probably going to be somewhat different now.

HarassmentPanda's picture

No heavy vechicles?

Or no heavy weapons?

ltmon's picture

Pretty sure there are

Heavy weapons remain unchanched.

All info is available in the stickys on the GA ET:QW forum.

chipper's picture

side note

as a side note can we agree to check that we can actually field a team before challenging anyone this season?

Fuzz's picture


Challenging teams has always been the hard part. Agree with the idea. It’s been hard in the past when it can sometimes take 3 or 4 days to get 6 people to reply, by which time the dates / teams proposed are already past / not available, or someone below us has challenged. All for giving it a try though. (Looks like we were lucky this time – within a day we had 6 yes’s).

What’s everyone’s thoughts?

n0mad's picture

n0mad Idea

Very hard t0 d0 as we have t0 have an agreement 0f a team 0f 5 f0r (3) Three days…….
I understand that it is n0t g00d t0 f0rfiet but getting all 3 days c0vered bef0re we p0st a challenge is hard
and t0 think what if 2 days we can field a team but the 3rd day we cann0t field a team – d0 we n0t p0st a challenge ?

Maybe we try c0ntacting the Leader 0f the 0pp0sing Clan and say we are g0ing t0 p0st U a challenge but can U play it 0n Tuesday
night and if s0 what time w0uld suit your team, this w0uld w0rk if b0th teams can agree bef0re hand but w0uld be ann0ying if the
opp0siti0n team ticks Wednesday :(

Idea anyway

Maybe c0nvince Pinge that all IPX matches are fixed f0r Tuesday’s :P

chipper's picture

ladder position

agree its not the easiest position. as long as people aren’t going to be pissed when we can’t field a team after we have issued a challenge then its not a problem.

with the ladder being reshuffled and ipx randomly landing near the top i think we won’t have an issue finding games. a lot of teams will challenge us as per last season

Fuzz's picture

yeah I think we pretty much

yeah I think we pretty much have to just pick as sensible days as possible for challenges, and accept there’s a chance we may forfeit. Having Tuesdays @ 8 or 8:30 included in the choices always helps our chances of fielding a team.

Fuzz's picture

Email from Pinge regarding new players

This email has been sent by a GameArena Ladders administrator to your team,
Team IPX. Your team is currently enrolled in the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Ladder.
I have received a report that 2 players were inadvertently deleted from the IPX line-up, prior to ADA accepting the challenge.
This meant that once ADA accepted that these 2 players were effectively excluded from the line-up.
Invitations to rejoin have been locked due to the match being scheduled.

The players in question are Kraizen and DJBBQ.

As this has happened in the past I can accept that a genuine mistake could be made.

The rules state that a player not on the roster at the time of the challenge being accepted is therefore not allowed to play.

The intent of this was to stop people playing a single game by leaving one team and playing for another, called smurfing at finals time.

I have therefore accepted the explanation and ask that ADA allow these 2 players to compete.

If this causes any problems with the Captains of ADA then I shall make a determination.

You should feel free to pm me if you have any questions or wish to comment on this subject.
I trust you will have a good match and that you enjoy your games.

Kindest regards
The GameArena Team

Fuzz's picture

My reply to Pinge

As I wasn’t the one contacting Pinge I didn’t realise he was under the impression the players were removed inadvertantly. I know some of you may disagree with my reply (see below) but I felt I had to clarify as he was allowing these players to play under false pretenses. ADA would have had a right to feel we gamed the system to get players in for the first game (even though according to GA rules we’d done nothing wrong).

Reply to above email, from me to Pinge:
Pinge –

I just got your admin message about the deleted players.

Just so you know, it was me that deleted the players. It wasn’t an accident. Here’s why it was done.

They had applied to join our team (through our honorary application form) but hadn’t been accepted yet. They were added to the GA ladder by ladder captains of our team in anticipation that their honorary applications would be accepted. I felt that was cheating the rules to make them eligible for this first match. So I deleted them from the roster. Eventually their applications to join the IPX team were accepted, and I requested they rejoin the ladder. This put them in the situation we’re in now – having joined after we challenged ADA, and thus not eligible for the ADA match (which to me is correct).

I could understand if ADA were to be not happy that we accepted players in the ladder b4 they actually joined our team, just so they would be eligible for the first match. (I wouldnt have a problem with another team doing that to IPX, but would understand if they did of us doing it to them).

Hope that clears up the situation behind it.

I’ll leave it up to you as to whether you want to leave it as it is, or withdraw the option of them playing for the first game.

Apologies for the confusion. I was just doing my best to do what I thought was the most fair thing by both teams involved.



Kraizen, I know you’ve put a lot of time into coming up with a strat for this match. I’m sure everyone really appreciates it. I know I do. If because of my actions you don’t get to play game 1, I’m sorry (big if btw). There will be plenty more games to play, and I look forward to playing along side you.

Templar / dj-bbq – ditto for above, minus the strat stuff.

If you do get to play, GL.

Sha8doW's picture


Do we have a Captain volunteer?

as captain, you get to pick the strats and the team…

If no volunteer captain, as ‘organisier’, I will appoint someone and pick team


i am happy to captain if you guys want.

ltmon's picture

Thanks Blood!

Always good to hear the kiwi accent bossing us around again :)

Kraizen has put some good thought into strats (and even written it down), so make sure you get his work off of him to think about before the match.

Repeating my call: Can we get online an hour early if possible tomorrow to go through the game plan, ADA probably aren’t the walkover they were last year either ;) I heard they’ve even been practicing and scrimming (borderline cheating IMO).

Sha8doW's picture

Ta blood

I think its important that you pick your team ASAP (before tonight)
so we can have organised practice and people can review strat

n0mad's picture

Valley Strat

May als0 pay t0 read the Valley Strat we did 0n the Haklin page…..

Happy t0 email it 2 U Blood…


chipper's picture


definitely wont be able to make it an hour early, but it looks like there are enough chaps available so it shouldn’t be an issue. i’ll pop into irc before start just in case though. looks like it should be a good match!

Fuzz's picture


Sorry, can’t make it anytime before about 7:45 tonight. Happy to sub.

w/d Kraizen on the strat work. Is that stuff still going into Haklins page? Wouldn’t mind having a read throughout the day if it is.

n0mad's picture

Strat PDF

Sent PDF version to Hashy and Blood….

Um yer not much has changed but since a few of us put the effort in there maybe
something we can extract from it.
And yes there is a Valley strat in there…..

Alert but n0t alarmed…….

Teams up

It is true


I do want a prac beforehand and i would like as many there as possible even those who arnt in team. Kraiz would be good if u could make it please.

n0mad's picture

HP Server Reset

Having trouble with the IPX Server
Will n0t let y0u c0nnect
Cann0t rem0tely reset it

HP can U reset it for t0nights Prac…..

ThanX HP

Always alert never alarmed

ltmon's picture

Should get a GA one

As much as we want to use the IPX one, I don’t think it has the competition settings loaded either. That would be good, given the changes this season.

Edit: I’ve taken the liberty of booking a GA server, in case the IPX server isn’t ready or configured. Ask me for details in IRC if need be.

GA Please

I vote a ga server we want the prac to be under same rules as the match server

ltmon's picture


Prac server:

Booked from 7pm for 2 hours.

Normal password (ask in IRC if unsure)

HarassmentPanda's picture

Comp Settings

If they have changed the enforcement in the rules I haven’t updated the file locally. I guess I can get this from the GA forums?

Fuzz's picture

Great write up

here –

w/d LT, all. Sounds like a great game.

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