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Revision of TW v IPX from Sun, 01/02/2009 - 04:29

chipper's picture
04/02/2009 21:00
04/02/2009 23:00

Teams: tW vs IPX

Map: volcano
Dates and Times: Wednesday 09:00pm (4 February)

Organiser: sudo chipper
Captain: kraizen (also picks map, why because i said)
Password: check in irc
Referee Requested: No
Result: tba


Put down your availability below:

Team IPX Availability pick a day Comment
chipper all look bad :( -
Shad Wednesday(so we can prac tues) Go Kraizen
n0mad Sunday-Ok/Mon-Sub/Wed-Sub g0 g0 gadget Kraizen
Ltmon All OK, prefer Mon or Wed Like your style of command chip, we need more of it ;)
Kraizen Available As available as a $20 whore. Did I say that?
Robag Monday or Wed Good idea 2 prac Tuesday, i like “lemmings” they taste like chicken
HP Monday or Wed preferable -
Fuzz N/A all 3 days -
Johnny March No obj whore for IPX. =[
- - -
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chipper's picture

prac tuesday

be there for drill sargent kraizen to give you your marching orders. if you can’t play on Wed pls come on Tuesday to act as cannon fodder.

Got a strat worked out (Ltmon helped)

Also, is Panda and N0mad going to be here on wednesday?

I really really need to run thru the strat with each person individually. It’s not a do this do that strat, but requires foreknowledge on your part of what the other fireteams are going to be doing. The fireteam members need to practice with each other before the match. Preferably before tuesday.

N0mad and LTmon are going to be vital to the strategy, and LTmon has already agreed on basics of what he and N0mad are going to be up to. If i’m not on, ask LTmon, because he understands the phase 1 defence readily enough. The more communications we get going before the match the better. :)

Matchings are:
For the attack:
Name Fireteam
N0mad Alpha
Ltmon Alpha
Kraizen Beta
HP Charlie
Robag Beta
Shadow Charlie

For the defence:
Name Fireteam
N0mad Alpha
Ltmon Alpha
Kraizen Beta
HP Beta
Robag Charlie
Shadow Charlie

*Puts on Drill Sargent hat

“Comeon you apes, you want to live forever!”

n0mad's picture

Yes I'm There

Yep I’ll B there…..


ongoing report:

Shadow and N0mad have been run through the strat in game, and LTmon knows the gist of it. If i’m on by all means ask me questions, but these are definiately the next people to ask.

ADA sound like they are still in on Tues

n0mad's picture

1 Short

I c0unt 5 are we 1 short for Wednesday’s Match ?????


ltmon's picture

Looks that way

Chipper has mentioned he may be around, but can’t guarantee anything.

Still missing responses from Bloodstorm and DJ-BBQ: either of you able to partake?

Willow unfortunately can’t play in this one, due to missing the cutoff for the challenge. But possibly tW and pinge will be nice and allow a dispensation of the rules?

willow's picture


Its all good Ltmon…i dont mind to sit out and at the same time unfamiliar with how exactly the game is played on promod.

ive not had any acquaintance in the past with pinge but aware he runs the show but if someone could speak on my behalf to pinge to be included provided there is a spare slot then that would be nice. but overall i can wait this one out.

Sha8doW's picture

its worth the Question!

if chip/krai or someone else wanna ask?
(i think i called in my favour last time)

Willow, do you have the latest Promod (1.0b i think) and the IPX map pack?
if you dont let us know and we can give you some links.
(promod is similar, slightly different physics which you ill notice, ie cant lean/shoot.)
and then the comp mod has some other things such as No heavy vehicles, only 1 sniper, only 1 hyper etc

are you a member of GameArena? if your not, best sign up quick sharp cuz

any q’s jump on IRC, Chances are people will be there to help ya!

chipper's picture

should make it

i should make it just don’t won’t to promise and then not turn up.

willow go here ( and apply to join. that way you can play in the next match

chipper's picture


if anyone else who is spare can hang around in irc before the match it will be appreciated!

willow's picture


the promod ive got is the link you gave me to download a few days ago which i believe is 1.0 I am a member of gamearena also and additionally i do not have the ipx map pack.

Robag's picture

PC still down for the count

Hi All

my PC is still down for the count
picking up some more RAM today

i will need a sub for the Match
sry Robag

HarassmentPanda's picture

Spoke to DJ-BBQ

& he said it’s fine, he will update his availability today.

donno bout me

I donno if i can make this one dudes. Thats an 11pm start time for me i mite come for 1 round but i needs my sleep or i get grumpy(according to Kate)

Robag's picture

RE:Spoke to DJ-BBQ

ta 4 that HP and DJBBQ

Robag :)

Yeah im in

Im in, will be on IRC when i get home

ltmon's picture


Tonight at the normal time, I’ve booked a GA server.

We should have some ADA around to practice against, and they’ll want to play through Salvage for their next match.

Sha8doW's picture

Wife stealing PC

Wife stealing the PC till bout 8:30pm

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