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Revision of New Honorary Members Willow from Sun, 01/02/2009 - 21:44

This bulletin is to inform you that Team IPX founding members have inducted Willow into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.
Willow – IPX (otherwise known as Willow_X – IPX)

Forthwith the above mentioned player(s) are affiliated with Team IPX and are free to use any of the IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayings or the – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gaming under the guidelines of rule 17.
Please make the new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gaming roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
CombatChuck – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Haklin – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kazozza – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Johnny – IPX
Volkam – IPX
Willow – IPX


Team IPX


Hey buuuuddddiiiiee

Welcome to IPX, glad to have you aboard.

I don’t know you all that well, but I’m sure that can be rectified ;)

This website is a powerful tool so I hope that you can aquaint yourself with its capabilities, there are several threads on this subject, but first and formost i’ll point you towards these links:

Sha8doW's picture


Welcome bro

Remember: Website, IRC, Murble

Sign up for the GA ladder team

And when you got 5 i can show you round the site etc if you like

Can someone add my svalbards now?
suffer nomad!

n0mad's picture


g00d 2 C U made it Willow

Cya in ETQW

Shad U w0rry us……


Hi there all,

just wanted to say that at present im very pleased to have been accepted as an honoury member of Team IPX.

this is going to be my first clan ever and my decision to pick team ipx was reached after a few weeks deliberating other clan options but it soon became apparent that ipx had appeal in every manner from website to code of conduct to individual ETQW online players. in the end my decision to apply to join team ipx was easily reached as team ipx stood above the rest.

i look forward in getting to know you all over the course in time and will wear the clan tag with pride.



Fuzz's picture


Welcome to the team mate. This is where I normally point you to:

Practice Sessions
GA Ladder

amongst other things, but the system is working – Kraizen beat me to it :)

See you in IRC.

BTW – as part of your acceptance you would have had a user created for you so you don’t need to comment anonymously anymore. Check the email address you signed up with. If it’s not created yet – comment back here – someone will sort one out for you

Fuzz's picture

Recruitment Svalbards

Anyone laying claim to recruiting Willow, please do so via the Svalbard Register and I’ll split up the first 50 accordingly.

PS. I’ll be sorting out a Svalbard Register soon, where all claims for unautomated svalbards can go and be accepted / rejected / ignored by me.
Update: Done. See here

willow's picture

ipx account

Account is up and running now Fuzz…


Fuzz's picture

cool. I like your shiny new

cool. I like your shiny new jersey :)

Robag's picture

omg willow

heeeellllloooooooooooooo willow

welcome to IPX
go to have you along for the ride buddy

owww n0mad

World of Padman

The home of WOP! All the downloads and information you need for this excellent game.

padman padman padman padman padman

C U in the Pubs

chipper's picture

tis shiny

mustn’t have been washed yet!

welcome willow

the padman bot strikes again

One day we shall discover Robag in the news to have been unmasked as a real life padman bot.

Wonder which character he is?

I vote that he is the doctor :D

Robag's picture

RE:the padman bot strikes again

fatpad all the way baby :)

n0mad's picture


I have trained U well Young Pada0ne….

Yer d0n’t f0rget Padman Willow, great game…….

My w0rk is d0ne

Fuzz's picture

One more in the sea of

One more in the sea of links…

The temporary home for some site how to stuff: click


Wot is this strange game they are so keen on ? :p

oh and welcome to the team dude.
Things to watch out for….
Fuzz will try and steal ur svalbards at every opportunity.
and watch out for irc on sunday nites it tends to be rage nite :p

mmm svalbards

Sha8doW's picture

my fault

somthing was screwie yesterday!
but its all fixed today.
ta for pickin up the slack fuzz!

Sha8doW's picture

gotta work

gotta work hard and get it dirty… then wash it

then you get a white one chipper!

Sha8doW's picture

Oh and

and now the screwyness is fixed…
i fixed your jersey now too!

(all we need is BBQ to actually post/view the site)
otherwise, CHOPPA!

and panda loses Svalbards!


Heya! Welcome to IPX!
Can’t wait to ninja your objectives during training. :P

Hashy's picture

Welcome Aboard willow.

Welcome Aboard willow.

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