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Revision of Dawn of War 2 from Mon, 23/02/2009 - 11:12

As some of you may have noticed i have been playing DOW2 recently. I have to say it would be the best RTS game i have ever played! Im only about half way through the single player but it has a very strong story line that keeps pulling you in. You control several squads of marines aswel as you Commander. You can upgrade the gear of the squad leaders and your commander as the game moves through and they gain levels. Changing their weapons and giving them new traits and abilitys. It is not you typical RTS game. You dont build a base and a huge army and smash them into the other players. You have a rather small force and you have to use cover and strat to achieve your goals. It also has a very strong emphisis on teamwork(you cant win games on you own). You need to be smart about how you control your army. For example if you build a big close combat army and charge them in with no ranged support = you will be owned but if you have a squad of assualt marines jump in backed up with some heavy weps firing from cover you will be able to hold of almost anything.
In multi player you can go several different ways. For Spare marines there are 3 choices. Attack (force Commander, Defence (techmarine) or support (apothicary- a medic). Each of these 3 has a different hero and excels at different types of strat. But in a 3v3 match if you combine the 3 well with good strat you will have a very fun and powerful team.
There are a total of 4 races:
Space Marines = Dudes in big ass armor with big guns and chainswords (oh yes combine a chainsaw and a sword wot more could you want in life). Their troops are very very expensive but very powerful
Eldar = Troops are weeker but very high speed. they use very advanced tech to achieve what they need too.
Orks = Good old greenskins they are blunt and stupid. they may only have primitive weps but do not underestimate them they can still give a good whopping.
Tyranids : Think star ship troopers. All their weps are organic. they field large numbers of troops and like to eat everything. (Bring Flame throwers)

The Warhammer 40k Universe has many more races and relic has promised they will be bringing more out in expansions just like the DOW1 games.

Great cut scenes. Also has a very good army painter for multi-player in which you can change just about everything about you armys appearence.

I reccomend this game to all IPXers especially if you like the WH40k Universe.


n0mad's picture

Great right up

L00ks like a great game, g00d reviews….
I als0 n0ticed U can paint ya Marines but with0ut geting ya hands dirty…..

I s0ld mine a few years ag0 but still have sum little weap0ns lying ar0und :P

Um as s00n as I c0mplete Fall0ut 3 I may l00k at this then…….



Fogot to mention all the terrian is destroyable so if you have a tank or a dregnaught it will just go straight through walls and builds destroying the cover you or the baddy is using.

Yea mine are still in my draw somewhere. Its great ya dont get paint everywhere with this

Sha8doW's picture

can you paint them IPX colours?

id buy it just for that if you could!

(reminds everyone of his blue, white and orange shoze. His need to wear some form of blue, white and orange everyday and even the ability to influence teh design of a building to be IPX colours…. (go check a building at the business park at canberra airport (: ))


i would think you can do em ipx colours

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