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Revision of My shiny new toys *oh-so-evil-evil-grin from Tue, 31/03/2009 - 14:35

I just recieved my GTX280OC from Asus and my OCZ DDR3 Triple Channel 1600 Mhz RAM at a latency of 8-8-8-24.


Now I just need the rest of the computer xD

Accepting monetary donations at this point ;D


n0mad's picture

Fire up L4D

Can’t wait 2 cya in L4D……..


Fuzz's picture

That’s a damn nice looking

That’s a damn nice looking card there Kraizen…

it sure is heavy

It’s at least 3 times the size of my Radeon 3650 xD

willow's picture


Do you take Svalbard donations?

Yeah, right like im going to give you any of mine!!

Sha8doW's picture

why does

why does eveyone always think i am cashed up!
bloody kids suck me dry!

we are all kids to you the almighty shadow

we live in your shade

P.S. my account number has been PM’d


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