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Revision of due date of N1mad from Wed, 27/05/2009 - 21:55

Robag's picture
08/07/2009 11:00
09/07/2009 11:00

Now this is a IPX challenge g00d luck Mrs N0mad and Mr N0mad



lol :) Best wishes!

lol :)
Best wishes!

willow's picture


Congrats & vry best wishes!

Pinge's picture

Congrats to the n0mads...

Congratulations n0mad and Mrs n0mad.
Now you will have more time to play games.

Best wishes and good luck.


willow's picture



Don't understand

Are we guessing arrival time? Or baby has arrived?
If baby has arrived CONGRATULATIONS , if we are guessing arrival time same again but for then :D
So if we are guessing arrivals time….
If Mrs Nomad is relaxed and feeling well exactly 1 week before due date around 9 am.
If Mrs Nomad has been feeling quite stressed 3 days after due date around 2 am.
It’s a boy.
8 pound 7 ounces.

Love Rayne
p.s Mrs Nomad the most important thing to remember is to BREATHE, expelling large amounts of air with loud noises focuses your energy on your throat and mouth area, not where it should be focused :). Long deep breaths in…. sigh them out.

Sha8doW's picture

has it happened already?

if its happened, its early

Robag's picture

due to the fact

That i build web server cluster for a living, but not maintain the content
i have changed the title of the challenge to be the due date of n1mad :)

i must stress that there is approval to add a poll to this challenge about
the sex of n1mad

please stay tuned



we should bet svalbards on the due date or the sex ?

Sha8doW's picture

mmm svalbards for sex

svalbards for sex, thats a whole lot of whoring going on there fuzz!

Robag's picture

yes yes bet the svalbards

100 of my best svalbards
my good man :)


ill take that bet good sir

your 100 v my 100
i will even let you choose girl or boy

Robag's picture

100 svalbards on the sex

n1mad will be a healthy baby girl

fuzz please hold my svalbards


girl :)

girl :)

Sha8doW's picture

Shads Guess

Boy, 6days late.

and ive got 300 Svalbards on it!

so fuzz is a bookie now?
I am willing to donate mine back the the Bank of Svalbard if i am wrong.

Shads just had a hair brained scheme!
everyone has the op to join in here!

OK, this is how we role, aside from any personal “off track betting”
to guess the sex – BOY or Girl. it costs 100 Svalbards! (if you dont have 100 please contact Fuzz or Shad and we will hook you up.)
those who guess the correct sex get their 100 back and a bonus 200 svalbards!
those who get it wrong… lose their svalbards (Ouch)
50/50 bets are the riot!

if people wish to make a bet on the Date of Birth. they can wager whatever sum they like!
If someone gets it right, they take the lot. or a split portion if more then 1 person picks the same date!
if you get it wrong, you lose em all!
if no one gets the date right, it goes to the closest bidder(s)

(Nomad we need to know the conception date (if known) or an estimated due date per the ultrasound or range of dates for delivery)
personally if its known, (AND YOUR GUNNA THINK THIS IS GROSE, BUT IVE GOT A THEORY) position of the activity at conception

So we are guessing arrivals

So we are guessing arrivals time….
If Mrs Nomad is relaxed and feeling well exactly 1 week before due date around 9 am.
If Mrs Nomad has been feeling quite stressed 3 days after due date around 2 am.
It’s a boy.
8 pound 7 ounces.
I am sticking with this I have an astounding 54 svalbards to wager.

She was upside down Shad how do you think she got pregnant :D

Fuzz's picture


so fuzz is a bookie now?

Apparently :) I got guys who go round breaking non payers legs and all

Loving this crazy betting scandal dealie. I’m in, cept I don’t want to know the position.

I’ll be making multiple bets – one on the 50/50, and 1 on the Date (what can I say, I got Svalbards to spare)

oh dear *facepalm

So she caught the baby from the stork while she was hanging out of a window? Thanks for clearing that up Rayne xD

Sha8doW's picture

those men?

Hired Goons?

Fuzz's picture

Simpsons did it

There quite literally is a Simpson’s quote for everything isn’t there…

Reminds me of that South Park episode –

Sha8doW's picture

you mean

you mean they were in the “wheelbarrow”?

Sha8doW's picture


Poll created HERE

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