IPX Wolf ET Server: XP save or no XP save

XP save (saves xp for a certain period of time)
80% (8 votes)
No XP save (resets xp every stopwatch map, or at the beginning of every campaign)
20% (2 votes)
Total votes: 10




This forum topic about stopwatch campaigns is quite interesting.

Sha8doW's picture

i need xp save

i need XP save for a about 3 whole champagines to even get a few stars!

unlike chipper and Lt whom will be 3 star generals after the 1st objective

what about stopwatch campaigns

I can easily setup a cycle with all the good maps in it, in stopwatch mode, running xp save. Need to use shrub though.

So i guess i’m asking, stopwatch or vanilla (stopwatch lets both teams play attack on the one map)

Somtin's picture

ah campaign with no xp save?

ah campaign with no xp save? or can you use xp save over several stopwatches instead of time? I don’t like it when the player who plays more often has the advantage… ;p

8 maps is plenty to get 4 stars at one class, as long as the XP needed to get up ranks hasn’t been changed except lvl 4 medic should be changed a bit higher, since the adrenaline is a bit OP or you could just remove the adrenaline all together.

no problems

8-12 maps seems to be the magic number for number of maps per reset. If we arent running multiple custom campaigns we can use the etpro “b_statsaver 1” which will have the same effect as shrub

the way most servers deal with the adren problem now is to nerf it, but i’ll see if there is any config floating around

So… basically it depends how many maps on the server as to balancing, thats r0bags duty :)

i voted for no punkbuster

i voted for no punkbuster

Sha8doW's picture


who invited non IPX?
who forgot to log the poll as “internal only”

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