Screw Norway?

Fuzz's picture
Yeah, screw those Norwegians!
93% (13 votes)
No, what did they ever do?
7% (1 vote)
Total votes: 14


Sha8doW's picture

I think

I think fuzz is scrambling for Svalbards…. or

n0mad's picture

c00l Edge

Think ab0ut it :P


Fuzz's picture

It’s a Team IPX educational

It’s a Team IPX educational exercise. Entirely NOT racist against anyone other than Norwegians

Sha8doW's picture

ahhh wil?

um willow… i think you missed the right circle selection dealie.

and who are the other randoms?

Fuzz's picture

Anon voters

Nice, getting some anonymous voters. I opened voting up to everyone (for this poll, but I could only do it for all polls, so will turn it off after this).

Now… I didn’t think this through. Educating Willow about why Norway deserve to be screwed is easy. Educating and his buddies, that might be harder. Ideas?

Sha8doW's picture

well if we knew who that were...

If they would sign up and log in, we’d know who they were. I’ve got a strong feeling I know who one of them is.

Or maybe they are here to thank me for getting them a helicopter and want to know how to exercise their 1,000,000 Svalbards?

Think of the Lego man hats you could buy with them kinda svalbards…. and all you’ve got to do to get them is get a pro…ouch!

Fuzz's picture


So out of the anons, according to their IP addresses we’ve got –

Voted against screwing norway: A Victorian Bigpond user
Voted for screwing Norway: A Kiwi, and an iinet user.

Not surprised the Bigpond user voted that way. Must be Norwegian himself.

willow's picture



Sha8doW's picture

good move willow

Good move… was a little worried the Norwegians had broken you and you’d gone rogue!


Fuzz's picture

Also what’s this about “Fuzz

Also what’s this about “Fuzz get on IRC, you’re never on IRC”. Every time I get on, it’s either empty, or just me and Lt. Where you hiding Shad :)

Sha8doW's picture

you kick me to protect yourself...

cause Im on, and when I am on, you’re not!

like now ;)

ltmon's picture

Did anyone see new Simspons tonight?

Springfield built a wall to keep out the illegal Norwegian immigrants.

The writers must have been reading this site… :)

Sha8doW's picture


No F*ckin Way!

Simpsons wantin to be like IPX… now we really rule the world!

Fuzz's picture

hehe yeah saw that. Gold.

hehe yeah saw that. Gold. Norway got off light compared to Brazil.

Lisa: This is the most disgusting place we’ve ever gone.
Bart: What about Brazil?
Lisa: AFTER Brazil.

n0mad's picture

Flag needs the eagle :P

I th0ught that flag l00k familiar….

Pretty g00d ay……


number1 on google for screw norway

number1 on google for screw norway

nice work

got me in trouble with bosses
googling bad words

(farout, intense captcha)

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