Too many polls floating round at moment

23% (3 votes)
Screw Norway
77% (10 votes)
Total votes: 13


Fuzz's picture


I really wanted to vote yes… but I just can’t pass up a chance to vote screw norway.

Sha8doW's picture

Don't worry fuzz

I voted yes.. I’ve been screwing Norway all week and since everyone is picking up any slack at the moment I thought I’d spend the time and usemy iPhone to go and remove poll privlidges… Or atleast make a poll only worth 1 Svalbard


this happens every few months. we fill the front page with polls and than everyone gets over it and we dont have any more for ages.

its just a bit of fun and isnt that what -IPX is all about?? (and screwing Norway)

Sha8doW's picture

But how to refloat

But how do we refloat those important issues which have been pushed from view…. People ( as proven time and time again) always miss items which drop from the front page!

Fuzz pet hate right there.

And people willmiss out on updates of the road trip

Fuzz's picture


We go through this one pretty regularly too. Create trek’s as treks. Not blog entries. They then show up in the upcoming events section on the front page until the event is over.

Blog entries – do they really need to float? I’m open to discussing ideas on how do this refloating thing for non event content in a sensible way (ie not manually editing the created date). But we should think whether it’s actually needed before going through the pain of figuring out a non stupid solution.

Quickly though, from what I can tell you’ve got two choices

1) change away from newest post first, to latest comment first.
You’ve basically just got a forum then.

2) clutter up the front page even more with something like a featured section. And have someone manually decide what’s featured. Then when it’s no longer featured, go in and untick whatever’s marking it as featured. Not brilliant.

Neither is very desirable.

Suggest we discuss this further elsewhere (ie somewhere other than a poll named FSJDJDSAF;LAJ, or too many polls)

Kazashi's picture

What about....

In regards to the blogs: if you want to keep them floated, how about a slight change to the Recent Posts or Recent Comments sidebar? Basically it would be (to my understanding) a combination of both, where a blog is floated based on its latest post. Like how a forum thread behaves, being moved to the top depending on the date of its most recent post. That way, the “most recent” would not be filled up with 10 comments from the one blog, nor would it be solely floated due to how long ago the topic was created.

Fuzz's picture


This what you mean?
/me points to right sidebar

(would need a better title obviously)

Sort of duplicates the recent comments bit below, but with less information. Would probably need to combine the two.

Kazashi's picture


That’s the thing I was thinking of, yeah.

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