3 Stars - Team IPX VS United We Stand - Cybergamer Ladder S01G03

20% (1 vote)
40% (2 votes)
20% (1 vote)
20% (1 vote)
Total votes: 5


Sha8doW's picture

Grats Boys

Well done

Sha8doW's picture


close one
looks like deadite will be the decider…


to be had. Enjoyed that game alot. Deadite cleaning up, Mat rezing an shootin like a mad man, spudy owin with the m60 all made it worth getting shit from the wife for keeping her up.


great game played by all.
you all played well and fought hard for it.
highlights of the match were.
Limpets smoke everywhere and switching packs for revives
Deadite’s team down
Spuds cluch revives and staying alive for some great team spawns.
and my 3 person nade :P

all in all we played well and had funz.

Robag's picture

well done

to all the boys

good game

go Team – IPX

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