Are you LEFT handed or RIGHT handed

Sha8doW's picture
Right Handed
91% (10 votes)
Left Handed
9% (1 vote)
Total votes: 11



this isnt weird at all

Sha8doW's picture


If you ARE left handed, how do you go about doing stuff such as “FPS with mouse” – whats your keyboard layout? Or how do you go about “Xbox or PS” controls?

Sha8doW's picture


you got a post in before i did and i made the damn thing…

I am making something, which is DEFAULT as “right handed” (not out of any other reason other then that’s just how they were made originaly in the 80’s)… during the design my wife said “So they are all for right handed people? are you going to make one left handed? what if someone is left handed”

Even though my automatic response was “screw norway and there left handedness!” now considering half of my “better halves” family is southpaw, it made me wonder: What if one of my sons (both under 3) are left handed (pretty sure I sorted that left handed hammer business out on the oldest), what is the “ratio” of lefties to righties in IPX? what is the ratio of lefties which will use this device.

SHOULD I be catering for this left retardedness handedness or should the lefties get with the rest of the world… cause well, we are RIGHT!

(another question, how do you use power tools? eg, on a power saw the exhaust would get in the way!)


of people are left handed

Microman's picture


Shad’s project is a very important one to need to take this into account. I guess if the % of people you know who will use it is greater than 25%, put a single lefty controller in.

Still, that is going to make it a PITA for us righties. Although, I’m sure any lefties would have gotten used the the 80’s version, just practice…

Fuzz's picture


Is this for the mame cabinet?

I’d ignore the lefties. Think of it this way – if you dedicate one of the controllers to be lefty (eg the far right one) – in say the Turtles arcade game, the lefty would always be mikey. Worse… as a righty, you’d never be able to play Mikey.

Sha8doW's picture

Nah I'd make

Donatello the lefty…

Hashy's picture

Left but right

I’m left handed, but I d0 everything (0n the c0mputer) the right handed way, just t0 mix things up. I c0uld frankly d0 it h0wever I want, its n0t hard t0 adapt.

funny thing, actually ab0ut 50% of pe0ple are left handed, except sch00l f0rces m0st pe0ple t0 conf0rm t0 a standard. The 8-15% of pe0ple is the same number of pe0ple wh0 resist conf0rmity. s0 ab0ut 40% 0f supp0sedly right handed people 0ut there are actually predisp0siti0ned t0wards leftism…

Handicap = 50% ;p

n0mad's picture

Lift out Contr0ller

Make the c0ntroller lift 0ut and spin ar0und t0 cater f0r the lefties…

n0w there ‘s the idea U figure 0ut h0w t0 build it in :p


Hashy's picture

I shoot with my left

0ne thing I d0 with my left besides write is sh00t a gun. Makes things a hell 0f a l0t m0re awkward. But the Chinese rifle is still the best, it has a funny sight th0.

Just design it f0r right handed use, as m0st lefty’s just adapt anyway, because, y0u kn0w, were smarter ( n0t retards shad. mutants.)

Additi0nally, I can flex cl0sed a muscle in my inner ear and bl0ck 0ut higher frequency n0ise that w0uld 0therwise send 0ther pe0ple int0 excruciating pain. I can als0 relax a muscle in my “scalp” and release a wave 0f end0rphins at will. Its s0mething us lefty’s like t0 keep t0 0urselves, because, u kn0w, we’re special and d0nt want the rest 0f y0u t0 feel like y0ur t00 n0rmal. ;p

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