Should Shad quit his "IRL" job?

Sha8doW's picture
Yes, they've fucked you over, take the fresh oppitunity!
75% (6 votes)
No, stay loyal, surely they will repay it (and previous displays) soon!
25% (2 votes)
Total votes: 8


have you made

A pro’s and con’s list?
or are you just doing this out of anger?

Sha8doW's picture


From column a and a little from column b

Robag's picture

as an IT contracting whore

I do get to change my day job from time to time.
the way i look at it, a 12mnths contract can be tops or shit, either way it only last for 12mnths



more info please what do ya do how long all that stuff

n0mad's picture

Change is like a h0liday

A change is like a h0liday but if there is p0ssibility f0r pr0m0ti0n I w0uld stick it 0ut, if n0t the writings 0n the wall.
I went fr0m walking the streets t0 behind the desk and n0w luv it behind the desk…..

d0 U have a magic 8 ball lying ar0und :P


Sha8doW's picture

Ur my magic 8 ball

But th make sha8dows balls magic, put em in your mouth ;)

Sha8doW's picture

Short story

For blood… (dot point brief)
Work my way up over 6 yes
Passed over for promotion previously when assessed as a shoe in (process was bs)
Was offered 6 month transfer at same level 3 months ago, chose to stay based on them begging me to stay and not going to a promotion
In the process of saying no to the move, bridges were burnt
Stayed in place for 3 months now, workload keeps increasing :.(
Offered 6 month promotion in another area
Workload in current space is hell
But I do love this current line of work over the new line of work offered
If I say no to the other area I may burn a bridge
If I say yes, I’ve got to assume i will come back in 6 months to a negative environment
If I say no and say where I am I cannot negotiate (money/level) – just the system where I work
If I stay, id have to await the next recruitment round, and risk not winning… Again
Can elaborate further in discussion

n0mad's picture


f0r Shad….. I d0 enj0y Ch0c0late Salty Balls


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