GA 8v8 Ladder Drop Team

Robag's picture
Vote Yes to Drop Team From GA 8v8
77% (10 votes)
Vote No to Drop Team From GA 8v8
23% (3 votes)
Total votes: 13


little to no intrest

at the moment. but if we can get a solid team that wants to play I will play.

n0mad's picture

Time 2 have ya say

As I stated n0mad is 0ut 0f all 0nline c0mps but t0 th0se wh0 are still signed up n0ws ya chance t0 stand up
and be c0unted 0r at the very least rem0ve yaself fr0m the r0ster……


Tripsicle98's picture

Im Undecided on this one i have a lot doing on this year but

Maybe …


I can play, so I said no, but no worries if we can’t field a team

Microman's picture


I say drop it, but only because I have no intention of playing BC2 competitively anymore…

Fuzz's picture

Drop it

I say drop it, based solely on this:

Due to your team ‘Team IPX’ forfeiting twice within a 28 day period,
your team has been dropped to the bottom rung on the ladder.

The GameArena Team

Sha8doW's picture

Yeah forfeits

At a bad sign, yet a clear indication!

We can’t field a team, evident by some comments and a lack of captain lead administration to ensure attendance and exert control over the team!

Shit happens, people have moved on or are too busy… Lack of interest in bc2 is high due to new games and potential new games!
So unless we CAN field a team, it’s doing more damage forfeiting!


Unless we can have a full team to play every game who really want to play it and not just because they have to then i think we should pull out.

i'm sad

i enjoy the comp side of things


Def wont be the end of ipx playing in Comps we just need a new game that is worthy

Sha8doW's picture


Defiantly not the end! But if the fun is gone then its good night to bfbc2
Competitively! We will find another!

We could

go back to 4 v 4 if you want. We always had numbers for that.


to be part of 4 v 4 if we have the numbers

Robag's picture

Votes are in

10 to 3

is this something the B0D should have a vote on


Fuzz's picture


and looks like it’s already 5-0 BoD vote to drop the 8v8 team if we just take the votes from here.

Just tell me

what you guy decide and I will go form there and also make a forum post.
Also if Limpet is going to put in the time for 4 v 4 i will commit to it as well.

Sha8doW's picture

I dont see the need to vote

It’s pretty clear, 8v8 doesn’t have the numbers/support! It’s risky and can pose reputation damage duentotheninability to field a team, let alone a quality one!
The answer to the poll/question is obvious

4v4 is easier to man, which means the risks are reduced while it gives people some playtime/comp exposure

n0mad's picture


4v4 agree with Shad’s every w0rd

Yep time 4a 4v4 p0ll……

Sign up 2 w0pit#2 th0se wh0 have n0t yet DAMIT

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