My PS3 was 0ne 0f the 80GB m0dels. n0 multimedia card reader, n0 PS2 backward c0mpatibility, and 0nly 2 USB p0rts. I upgraded the hard drive t0 a 500GB, and put the 80GB int0 a p0rtable case, which c0nsequently died 0n me a few m0nths back. First dead hard drive! Made a very unsatisfying click click clunk up0n its death.
I als0 neglected t0 add a “none” section to the vote, you can specify below, if you wish, that you don’t operate any consoles.
Ill be h0nest, I d0nt play games 0n the PS3 hahaha.. That’s that last thing it d0es. Its a gl0rified media center, which half the time I need t0 rec0de vide0 f0r anyway.
I used to be hardcore console
But with moves which alienate the market, such as no backwards comparability, replacing/updating consoles which are owing the market share just or make consumers buy another console, rather then add new games. Licence agreements which make titles only on one console brand or dlc/updates only on one system shits me
So unless it’s a game on my handheld device (iPhone) and j hate the screen controls or on my PC… It can FOff
PC is where it’s at… Better controls, better system control….
Consoles are BAD for everyone.
I had this discussion on a forum at work!
Will post more on this topic when I get off my phone and onto a real kb
the piece by piece r0ll back 0f the PS3 just, sucked really.
It began as a much m0re r0bust system then it ended up as. 4 USB p0rts, multi card reader, PS2 backward c0mpatibility, Linux supp0rt. I mean, I can understand them cutting c0sts with the c0ns0le, but rem0ving the PS2 c0mpatibility was a fucking lame business tactic ( in 0rder t0 maintain sales 0f the PS2 c0ns0le). When they rem0ved the supp0rt f0r 0ther 0perating systems, that was the final straw f0r me. They did that because 0f the fear 0f being hacked by evil linux users.. Give me a fucking break. n0t t0 menti0n the PS3 slim having crappier butt0ns 0n the fr0nt. C0st cutting again. I hardly ever play games 0n the thing, and I pr0bably never will again. PC is where its at f0r me; better c0ntr0ls, better ch0ices, M0DIFICATI0NS! Cant g0 past m0ds.
I think we all kn0w what we like, and we d0nt need s0me c0rp0rate marketeers trying t0 tell us what we d0 and d0n0t like.
y0u kn0w, we sh0uld c0me up with 0ur 0wn c0ns0le. Which w0uld basically just be a PC. 0ne with blackjack, and h00kers..
My PS3 was 0ne 0f the 80GB m0dels. n0 multimedia card reader, n0 PS2 backward c0mpatibility, and 0nly 2 USB p0rts. I upgraded the hard drive t0 a 500GB, and put the 80GB int0 a p0rtable case, which c0nsequently died 0n me a few m0nths back. First dead hard drive! Made a very unsatisfying click click clunk up0n its death.
I als0 neglected t0 add a “none” section to the vote, you can specify below, if you wish, that you don’t operate any consoles.
i got
a xbox 360 and alot of anciet ones just chilling somewhere around the house
enough said ?
We use it to play DVDs :-)
PS3 Media Center
Ill be h0nest, I d0nt play games 0n the PS3 hahaha.. That’s that last thing it d0es. Its a gl0rified media center, which half the time I need t0 rec0de vide0 f0r anyway.
none also
PC gaming does it for me, cos that’s where IPX is
PS2 bec0me a
Paper weight very quickly still can’t find sum g00d games….
Wii gets mari0 kart played 2 death great fun with the plastic stearing wheels…
But real true gaming can 0nly B had 0n the PC
0fc0urse PC is king =p
I 0nly exclude it fr0m this p0ll, as it is assumed all IPX members have a PC. Might do a poll on CPU’s and GPU’s. =)
hmmm i have two
PS2 old school baby
I used to be hardcore console
But with moves which alienate the market, such as no backwards comparability, replacing/updating consoles which are owing the market share just or make consumers buy another console, rather then add new games. Licence agreements which make titles only on one console brand or dlc/updates only on one system shits me
So unless it’s a game on my handheld device (iPhone) and j hate the screen controls or on my PC… It can FOff
PC is where it’s at… Better controls, better system control….
Consoles are BAD for everyone.
I had this discussion on a forum at work!
Will post more on this topic when I get off my phone and onto a real kb
the piece by piece r0ll back..
the piece by piece r0ll back 0f the PS3 just, sucked really.
It began as a much m0re r0bust system then it ended up as. 4 USB p0rts, multi card reader, PS2 backward c0mpatibility, Linux supp0rt. I mean, I can understand them cutting c0sts with the c0ns0le, but rem0ving the PS2 c0mpatibility was a fucking lame business tactic ( in 0rder t0 maintain sales 0f the PS2 c0ns0le). When they rem0ved the supp0rt f0r 0ther 0perating systems, that was the final straw f0r me. They did that because 0f the fear 0f being hacked by evil linux users.. Give me a fucking break. n0t t0 menti0n the PS3 slim having crappier butt0ns 0n the fr0nt. C0st cutting again. I hardly ever play games 0n the thing, and I pr0bably never will again. PC is where its at f0r me; better c0ntr0ls, better ch0ices, M0DIFICATI0NS! Cant g0 past m0ds.
I think we all kn0w what we like, and we d0nt need s0me c0rp0rate marketeers trying t0 tell us what we d0 and d0n0t like.
y0u kn0w, we sh0uld c0me up with 0ur 0wn c0ns0le. Which w0uld basically just be a PC. 0ne with blackjack, and h00kers..
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