What is the first day of the week?

33% (6 votes)
67% (12 votes)
Total votes: 18


Sha8doW's picture


If I lose this one, I’m seriously going to doubt my abilities as a human being, let alone a father raising 2 boys!


Yeah, Monday all the way

Well we have almost broken the week and weekend into there own separate parts these days. So really, yeah Monday is the start of the “Week”. But in a lot of languages Sunday does mean “day one”, but the International Organization for Standardization does class Monday as the first day of the week. So really, no matter which way you look at it, it will always be a Monday for us in Australia (unless you are a crazy assed Seventh Day Adventist who thinks Saturday is the end of the week, thus why they have church on Saturdays). At least thats my take on it…

Sha8doW's picture


At the moment it’s 5-2 Monday winning…
Global conspiracy global conspiracy against me!

Sha8doW's picture


I have decided to convert the U2 Song to support my argument!

It’s Sunday, Bloody Sunday…
Not Monday, fck3n Monday!!




Seems to depend on where you are in world.

well ...

i get payed on tuesday so im going to say tuesday


I hate to say it, but that U2 song was in reference to the massicare that happen back in 1972, Bogside Massacre. Not about it being the start of the week :).

Sha8doW's picture

Delta - I know that

That why I said converted! I just need the tune dude


fking weedos

Sha8doW's picture

I know setup?

Is this fucken bizarre?!??

Sha8doW's picture


Youre all left handed too! Cause that’s also wrong!

Sha8doW's picture

You can kill an IPX

You can kill an IPX, but you’ll never outsmart one… Unless you ask them “what day is the beginning of the week”, in this instance most of them will get it wrong by choosing “Monday”!


Fuzz's picture



According to cron, day of the week codes are
0 Sunday
1 monday
2 Tuesday

So even that is easy to take either way… The day of the weeks with code 1 is Monday. But that doesn’t make it the first day of the week. First in 0 to 7 is 0. Thus Sunday.

Cron really?

Cron dont know everything.


And going just by votes it seems to be monday lol

Fuzz's picture


More people use windows than linux. But I’ll always trust unix for the right answers. The smarter people tend to use it.

Linux… Kazashi… Ltmon… N0mad

Windows… Fuzz… Shad… Most of the rest of us.

I rest my case.

Sha8doW's picture


ahhhhh yeah baby lay that cron on me baby

lol, for a long time, ive been hiding the fact i had NFI what a Cronjob (cron) was… Now i know
I’ve learnt 2 things today, 1. Cron is Computer job Scheduling dealie, and 2. 9 members of this team are WEIRDOS!

Sha8doW's picture

the less smarter

hey i resemble that remark!

Fuzz's picture


I taught shad how to cron job. It was an accident i swear


both those days are good :)

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