Pain - What hurts more

Sha8doW's picture
Stubbing your toe
30% (3 votes)
Bumping your elbow
0% (0 votes)
Squashing your finger
0% (0 votes)
Sand in your eye
0% (0 votes)
Biting your lip/tounge
0% (0 votes)
Soap in your privates
0% (0 votes)
Paper cuts
20% (2 votes)
Hitting your head
30% (3 votes)
Other - please specify
20% (2 votes)
Total votes: 10


Sha8doW's picture

Haven't done one for a while

Soap in your privates stings. and something in your eye is so annoying!
But the thing I hate the most is hitting your head right on the eye socket! It hurts the most!

Fuzz's picture

LeBron James leaving Cleveland

Hurts more than all of those…

and for all those saying it’s an outright metaphor for the whole vUns thing… It’s not. I really am hurt, and pissed about LeBron leaving for Cleveland. It ruined the chance of something special… the home grown kid winning the impossible championship for his town. There’s little chance of that ever happening again.

IPX is better off now than in May and prior. No disrespect meant to those that left.

Sha8doW's picture


Stop reducing my mental instability!
It’s me remember!

The balls!

Getting kicked in the balls tops all of them…
And don’t forget sitting on them…

Fuzz's picture


Eyes…. cuts… anywhere

Hashy's picture

Red Savinas...

Yes Fuzz….

“My scrotum! The gloves do nothing!”

Right through latex… facepalm

Still, nicotine withdrawal + Zyprexa withdrawl is pretty fucking sh!t too. It’s not just the pain, its the feeling of pieces of your brain f**king MISSING that worries you!!

I hear child birth is pretty bad too… LOL

Sha8doW's picture


Child birth, yeah I should have highlighted that this is all secondary to that high level stuff like childbirth, just the annoying daily crap….

willow's picture

Paper cuts!!

They are so annoying!! And with several, that’s just Chinese torture!!

Hashy's picture

pictures of..

Norwegian weather girls! That sh!t will burn your eyes, fry your brain, and leave you wondering just what the heck is in those cans of Reindeer Balls..

wisdom teeth out when the

wisdom teeth out when the pain killers dont work, yes i do mean teeth pulled out with no painkillers not the pain after, cos thats a peace of cake

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